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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Thoughts? I've heard them and they are not bad for what they do. The story lines are a bit far fetched, but the music, the playing is fairly impressive. I'm only asking because they are gettting more press than ever right now.
  2. Rush has 18 total studio albums and scads of live ones as well as a few comps.
  3. I don't normally get so irritated with music, usually I either like it or I don't and for this album it just rubs me the wrong way. There are a couple songs on the second half of the album that are passable but the rest...arrrrgh. Usually I can hear what makes an album great even when I don't particularly like it, but I can not hear it in this one. So I put it back on the shelf again to try out in five more years or so.
  4. I bought this puppy several years ago and gave it a few spins to see if I would like it. I absolutely hated it. I could not stand his voice, his overwrought singing style the structure of the songs, the length of the songs, the length of the disc (73 minutes? Too long) it just grated on my nerves. But I listened to it a few times to come to this conclusion. I recently pulled it out to give it another try. I frequently pull out stuff from the past to see if my attitude towards it has changed one way or another, especially stuff I did not like originally, but for one reason or another fee
  5. In my best Emilee Litella voice...never mind. She did? Then what is the whole arguement about? whether she shoudl be kicked out or allowed to stay? I don't get it, and apparently I don't pay enough attention to the hall to care. Are Elvis or the Beatles in then?
  6. I am no Madonna fan by any stretch of the imagination. If I was not married and did not have a daughter my awareness of her would only be fleeting at best. But this back and forth about her is becoming tedious. It is, in my mind, very apparent the impact she has had on the music industry from day one. From marketing to music she has done it all and done it on a grand scale. How much is original and how much is derivative could be argued, but the scale she works on is pretty huge. And her influence is fairly widespread also. Now is this enough? Is she merely a female version of KISS via
  7. = Me too, probably as long as vinyl has been out of favor.
  8. In the old days a double album or at least an album with a gatefold was good for sorting out the seeds. Cd's ruined that and digital just makes it absolutely impossible.
  9. If the Cd dies and goes away I will probably stop buying music. The quality of the downloads is just not there enough for me. and I like ot have a product in my hand. Call me old school but I don't generally like having only electronic versions of songs.
  10. Ryoko was awesome. Loved his work.
  11. Dark Side of the Moon Born to Run Rubber SOul Revolver VanHalen I Led Zeppelin IV Murmer Stereo Mono Lonodn Calling etc...
  12. 1. Finest worksong - They opened with this when I saw them on the Document tour. Very Who - like begining to the show always remeber it. 2. Seven Chinese Brothers 3. Shaking through 4. Moral kiosk 5. Begin the begin 6. Man on the Moon 7. Driver 8 8. Nightswimming 9. Kenneth 10. Electrolite
  13. I think these "amendment" ballot inititives are more about getting voters out than they actually are about the issue its self. How so? Ultimately this will be overturned by the supreme court...unless the make up of the court changes drastically over the next couple years, and I don't see that happening.
  14. I do too, the following analogy is great, but time will tell. With Hadl though the packers got a pretty decent quarterback who had already reached his peak and was on the decline, while Cutler is young at least. I do believe tha pack was more competative with Hadl than they had been with Hunter, Tagge or whomever else filled the slot post Starr. I see the draft picks given up and think George Allen, but then again I am reminded that the bears have a pretty solid history of making bad first round picks. So all in all it may not be bad. Really only time will tell. At least they were not
  15. Zuma Best of Van Morrison Most any Beatles Born to Run
  16. I love Mars Needs Guitars, great album. I have this one on vinyl along with Stoneage Romeos. Mars is great top to bottom, the rest of their work, Romeo's included is just so so for me.
  17. Except of course the Vanderbilt Commodores. Not so fast there big guy, Cutler can not pass it to himself. The bears are still woefully short on receiveing talent.
  18. Nary a word on the car and driver hoax...thhey said Obama has told Dodge and Chevy tha they had to pull out of NASCAR because those were unnecesssary expenditures. I guess it created quite the firestorm before C&D pulled it.
  19. OK I'll Bite... 1. Murmer 1. Reconing 3. Document 4. New Adventures in Hi Fi 5. Life's Rich Pagent 6. Out of Time 7. Green 8. Automatic 9. Fables 10. Monster
  20. I know Ron Paul has spoken out and a few others, but my un-statted yet implied question was why these guys were not in the mainstream press with their concerns until now? BTW I like Ron Paul, I don't always agree with him, but I respect him a hell of a lot more than I do many of the others in congress. When the stampeede for war with Iraq was occuring I tried to pay attention to those of one party who were voting with the other party so to speak. So I looked at democrats in favor of the war and rpeublicans against it. Paul wrote a couple of great dissents that were, I believe, read in con
  21. Where the F were these supposed gatekeepers at l;ast fall when this accountability free bill was pushed through the legislature by the prior adminsitration? Where were they? Also where wee the deficit hawks for the last eight years? Besides telling us over and over that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" where were they? Why have they kept their heads in the sand until now? Playing politics, that is exactly what these people were doing.
  22. I went that summer when they had the dylan exhibit going up into the pointy portion of the display area. It was pretty cool. Right around the time that the No Direction Home Movie came out. They also had a small clash exhibit and in the permanent exhibits had the London Calling bass. Lots of neat stuff to see. The "inductee" video was cool too. It was a decent time. Argue all you want about who should or should not be a member (I happen to think they take way to many way too obscure 50's performers), but overall it does have some neat sh*t to see.
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