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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. At what point does this become treason? Glen Beck talked about it a few weeks ago too. Chuck Norris for president
  2. Define welfare cheat? Someone who earns 6, 7 figures or more drawing publics funds for support? I live in a county full of farmers many of whom do just that. Most of the farmers I knwo earn 6 figures after expenses and still take their government checks. I do know two who go into the seven figure range, but they have other businesses.
  3. He wins the girl and wins his personal battle with his inner self. You know this would be true if republicans did not parrot so much of what Rush says so soon after he say's it. He plays them like a cheap fiddle. I think he could really care less who is in power he will be wealthy and spreading the hate regardless. But for his ego, and he is ego driven, it has to be so satisfying to see how easily he can manipulate the republican party.
  4. I beg to differ. To me it is formula driven crap. I was not entertained. By the end of the movie I had no interest in any of the characters, well maybe a little bit of feelings for Butkus. Point being is that I didn
  5. Umm, it's all been down hill since Lords of Flatbush. He may have made money, but his movies are really really bad...all of them including Rocky.
  6. A co-worker had a repair guy coming over between 7:30am & 8am. The guy arrived at almost 1:00pm and after he did he had the nerve to chew out my friend. Needless to say that guy did not get the job.
  7. Only 5 denounce him #4 carries some faint praise.
  8. First off I know this is a fictional chunk of rhetoric fashioned by some right winger to whine about the demise of small business. But I
  9. I like Elvis. He had his time and place. His 50
  10. Am I the only one who buys tickets and then for one reason or another does not make it to the shows? I
  11. I totally forgot ACDC on the Back In Black tour. Great show!
  12. Bruford was long gone before I ever even heard of Yes. Oh well. Genesis was Phil - I saw them 2x on the and then there were three tour. Good show but lost interest in them shortly after that. I saw them once on the works tour. It was pretty entertaining, quite pompus but Palmer was stunning with his acrobatic drumming. Forgot I saw him 2x in one day.
  13. I just picked the first few concerts that came to mind. But on the list also would be: Yes (Squire, Anderson, Howe, Wakeman & White) Springsteen Afghan Whigs The Alarm - Maybe 30 people there. Dino Jr Stones Genesis ELP Peter Tosh The Who - First farewell tour 2x in 82.
  14. Van Halen - Women and Children First tour. They were drunk and not finishing songs not singing the words and the drum solo & guitar solo lasted a good 45 minutes total...I hate solo's done for the sake of soloing. Webb Wilder - So bad we walked out, but no loss, we were there to see Kevin Kinnney as the opening act. Sweet & Uriah Heep - bad bad bad good thing Rush was he headliner for the Fairwell to Kings tour.
  15. X The Judybats Alice in Chains Shane McGowan & the Popes Pink Floyd
  16. Part Two: Live from Chicago TUESDAY NIGHT (8-9pm) The members of U2 spin their favorite records live on 93XRT at an undisclosed location. The Sun Times says that the undisclosed location is the Metro.
  17. Every year? How did OK agree to that? The cotton bowl is hardly neutral ground.
  18. Don't the Longhorns play FB there every other year?
  19. Why do you come to VC regularly? Force of habit? To check on the someone else
  20. No, but they are not happy that we know how much they make. I beg to differ here. When offered top notch positions, they bargain hard for their salary benfits etc. They really do, and some have a real sense of entitlement regarding their salary and perks. We recently switched CEO's from an old school type to a new modern type and the change was light night and day. Salary increased 3x and the perks changed dramatically.
  21. I'll clarify this for me, absolutely. Privatelyheld companies are usually run by the people that own them or the people who own them have far more control than the typical shareholder has. They can pay whatever they want, and those they hire can work for whatever they are able to negotiate. Publicly held companies should be run in the manner that best benefits the shareholders, and when it comes to executive pay they are not.
  22. Your just trying to be a smart ass now, maybe always. But the shareholders should have more power to penalize these guys and set contracts that yes penalizes them for poor performance. In the present case there is nothing that can be done. He has the money by virtue of a contract most likely and is not going to give any back. But perhaps the board will be more cautious with the next contract, though I seriously doubt there will be any penalties. There will probably be rewards doled out for successfully managing the company through the bankruptcy he presided over. It happened to the compa
  23. Yes. Definitely overpaid. Unfortunatly shareholder have little say in how much the company leaders make. Sure a proxy goes out and there is usually something in the proxy about compensation, but not usually to vote on, just to look at. Chances are that this guy negotiated his pay contract long ago (relatively) and GM is stuck with it. But these executive pay contracts usually only have an upside to them. You earn X regardless and XXXX if the company does well. The pay is frequently tied to stock etc
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