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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Of course they don't do jack when the contracts are uncontested. The very nature of the courts is to adjudicate contested issues. In the current case the AIG situation, the issue is not contested between those recieving the cash and those paying it. If the contract is uncontested then there is no need to step in. The issue is more of an emotional one and one of what is right and what is wrong. Clearly the payments are not to retain this "top notch talent" as many of the payments went to former employees. Clearly these payments are also not for positive performance as it appears that t
  2. As owners of AIG I wonder how much say that we the people have in the running of the company? Also these "contracts" have to be paid out according to who? AIG of course. Have these contracts been mmade public? Has anyone outside of AIG and legal counsel reviewed them? Like I said yesterday I find it hard to believe that there is not some opt-out language included in the contracts. And if they have to be paid out, what is the basis for the payments? Performance of the company? Is that the performance before or after the cash infusion from us?
  3. I agree. We ask them to do so much and they assume they will be taken care of. When they come home they face reality. This is nto just an Obama Issue vets have almost always been cut lose by the government at one point or another, when they really should be cared for for the rest fo their lives. My uncle was severely wounded in Korea and was physically and psychologically damaged nearly to the point of being incapacitated. He managed to get by for the next fifty years, but each year, each new adminsitration it seemed cut something, which was dead wrong. I'm not saying give them a free r
  4. The government has always had the right to terminate contracts through law and the courts. Always has and always will.
  5. Are the unions renegotiating voluntarily? Or was that a pre-condition to getting money from the feds? I believe it was a pre-condition to getting the funds. If I am not mistaken the negotiations were off at one point and the tlak was that no fed money would come then the negotiations went down to the wire and went through. No such negotiations took place for AIG Merrill Lynch or any of the others who were given (with no strings attacheed for accoutnability or anything else) 20x the cash the automakers were asking.
  6. I think Thickfreakness is a great album with a "sameness" issue. Toomany of the songs have a pretty similar feel and sound to them, but I like them nonetheless.
  7. Every politician is beholden to big businessin some way, some more than others. Some that's all they listen to. I have a feeling that regardless of what is occuring Obama is less beholden than the last guy. If the US really does own a large portion of AIG then we as shareholders have the right to force this crap to end. Every contract has opt outs in it somewhere, especially employment contracts. There is usually some discretionary language in the contract. If not then AIG has a shittty team of lawyers. Does AIG or anyother wallstreet firm expect me to believe that should they be on th
  8. Sorry but the current adminsitraiton was handicapped by the absolute lack of accountability with the prior adminsitration. We shall see if they can get past the bullshit that has been handed to them.
  9. From the very beginning this has been one of my pet peeves with the whole
  10. The AIG people and other banking wall street types are all in favor of taking their bonuses etc. because they are contractually obligated to pay them. I seriously wonder how many of these bonus recipients are in favor of the UAW or pilots union rank and file giving up pay and benefits their companies are contractually obligated to pay? Also I wonder exactly what these
  11. True, but even with wel educated people, like Doctors, I'll always get a second opinion.
  12. I just look at it as purchasing aproduct. Hopefully we don't impulse buy everything and maybe doa little reasearch on the bigger ticket items.
  13. I almost hate to put him on a list of dissapointing shows, but John Lee Hooker was terrible when I saw him. The show was his band playing for a while then he came out and played then the band played by themselves for a while. The problem was that it was near the end for him and he was so frail it almost seemed like he was a caricature of his former self. He really should not have been out on stage at all.
  14. No its best not to take any one source as your only source of information. Listen and or read but verify with thrid party sources.
  15. First off this guy obviously does not like Stewart, I think that is fairly obvious from the attacking tone all through the post. And you don
  16. No ambush these guys have been going back and forth for a week or two already. Not a gotcha session either because Cramer knew where Stewart was going to go. Mmmm bacon.
  17. Ebven if I did listen to him I would verify with other sources or at the very least explore other options. I do this with the broker I have right now. I never ever take anythign he says at face value because ultimately he is workign for commissions, not me. So if I don't read and educate myself it woudl be very easy to fall into the bad advice trap. True story. Not quite 2 years ago a gentleman came into our office. He had a whole list of financial and tax problems that needed immediate addressing, but one stood out for its absurdity. The guy had a financial advisor who talked him into
  18. What i am referring to I guess is the one size fits all answers given out by these people, and the fact that so many in the public would rather tune into Cramer than pick up the WSJ.
  19. U2 holds 1,000-seat concert in Mass. city Recommend Comments March 12, 2009 BY ASSOCIATED PRESS SOMERVILLE, Mass.---- U2 shook a small city, and riled up a core of rabid fans, when it gave a private concert in a venue a tiny fraction of the size of the stadiums it plans to fill later this year. The Irish rock band played the 1,000-seat Somerville Theater in Davis Square on Wednesday night as fans swarmed the area, looking for a way into the show or for just a glimpse of the musicians. RELATED STORIESSecret's out: U2 at Metro tonight The group played five songs, four from its new a
  20. I wasn't up for watching the video. So who is behind the Obama rise? The Illuminati? CHAOS? THRUSH? Dr Evil? Sleestacks? George Soros?
  21. Oh, there are tons of "pop" advice people out there. Phil is defiantely a high profile one, and my inlaws love him.
  22. I have nto seen them in nearly the numbers that some here have seen bands but the one's I've seen the most are probably WIlco and REM.
  23. I will take this a step further and say he does nto care for anyone's politics whose views do not paralell his, be they the hard left, the middle, middle right, not body but those who support his views. I will also say unequivically that he will always put party over country.
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