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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. So are they touring with NIN? Or are they just doing a few dates with them and touring on their own? I can't access everything here.
  2. Will Ferell can make funny, entertaining movies like Anchorman, Blades of Glory and Talledega Nights and then turn around and make something that is total shite like Semi Pro. In his case the good outweighs the bad...right now, but I'll guess in five years we will be very tired of the schtick and I'm just getting ahead of the curve.
  3. Here is the show fromt he 21st, I like this set list a little better: http://www.archive.org/details/dbt2009-02-21.mk4.flac16
  4. In the long run though I say what do I know? After all today I was listening to Metallica, DBT, Trail of the Dead, Robert Plant, New Pornographers and others so my tastes are all over the place.
  5. Marketing, they were hit with a near unanimous wall of approval fromthe press with very little opposition. Just as Obam's lowered Republican approval ratings are as much a function of marketing as anything else. The press still sells everything as if it deserves equal time when not all ideas or thoughts do deserve it, especially not the failed notions of the past eight years.
  6. I do agree that we can have differences here. With most bands though, aren't their first albums usually done on the relative cheap which gets them less production, and a rawer more live sound while after a few albums and a little more $$ infused into their system they tend to
  7. Bill "monotone" Paxton does not really act he's just there, anyone coudl fill his roles better than he can.
  8. There's a bunch that could go on that list: Ben Stiller Adam Sandler Eddie Murphy Cameron Diaz Bill Paxton Wil Farrell Mike Meyers Dana Carvey etc... Lots of former SNL actors making lots of bad movies these days.
  9. I'm actually from the NW burbs...Rolling Meadows, but have lived in the corn annd beans now for 12+ years. My Yoda choice is Yoda puffing a fat one. To me it means he is full of crap and gets his wisdom from a little bud. Though G*&Damn random drug testing has ruined that for me. I think you misinterpret my Nickleback comparison. I could just as easily offended someone by Using the first four or five Beatles albums. Take Springsteen for instance or Radiohead, their songs are not easily interchangable from one album to the next, while KOL that is not the case, they can easily be
  10. Wasn't this what the Gdub crew was promoting everytime they raided the treasury?
  11. I guess I don't hear a whole heck of a lot of difference. Crawl is a slight stetch for them though, and if stolen and or inspired by Secret Machines, well, what out there is truely new and original? And why does that have to be the criteria or a criteria for listening to music? Were the Strokes new and original or just derivative of what preceeded them but had lain dormant for a number of years? Ditto for KOL?
  12. I don't understand the concept of new direction as applied to KOL. Have they really changed directions? Or have your perceptions of them changed? I hear the same thing on Album #1 that I hear on Album #4. Maybe a little improved musicianship, but generally they are still traveling in the same straight line with not much variance. And this is coming from soemone who likes all four albums thus far.
  13. Where does this figure come from? I liked Slumdog and it really was the only one of the best picture nominees I saw. Was it the best picture? Not to me. For me Doubt was the best. It was such an intriguing story and being raised Catholic made it that much more intriguing. Other pictures I enjoyed
  14. Selling out is all relative and not really somethng I ebleive in anyway. If this is what they wanted to do and where they wanted to be from the begining, then they are staying the course and staying true to what they always wanted. Like U2 they never sold out because they always wanted to be huge. I'm not comparing them to Nickleback for what they record, just that you can interchange songs from one album to the next with little effect to either song or album. KOL songs tend to be generic within their own catalog. I agree 100%. There are lots of old rock acts, but little in the w
  15. Looks like the cut off is the first two albums. They were cool then and not cool since. Me? I seem to like all four albums. I tend to take them for what they are. They write decent songs that in the long run are not too different from one another. People have compared them to the strokes, I don't, I say they are Nickleback for southern rock only without the hits. Not that it is a bad thing. With Nickelback you can generally take songs from one album and put them on another album without changing the character of the album and without making the song sound out of place. I think you can
  16. Cooley has always been the DBT singer that resonated most with me. This show is f&%#ing amazing.
  17. I've never been to it but I hear that the Black Canyon of the Gunnision in western Colorado is also pretty spectacular.
  18. I love the replacements, but I'll bet there are a lot of people who would argue the Bon Jovi are more important because they were more accessible, more out there for the public to grasp etc... I still say importance is all about perspective. A new thought has crossed my mind and that is do we or can we truly recognize important and influential bands in a contemporaneous manner? I see the Beatles as being a yes, but does it take a generation of bands to emerge before we recognize the influence? We may look at Radiohead and say yep they are important and influential. But what if ten years
  19. See this is where the how do you define influential/important comes into play. Is influential only counted if you like the bands they influence or like their style of music to begin with? I don
  20. The major difference being that throughout time ares have been associated with blacks in racist terms and with white people in terms of intelligence? One is more targeted and one more blanket like, pick your poison.
  21. Sometimes qualified people are just that...qualified. Still, we see the past association with the bad guy and we mentally say that the fruit did not fall far from the tree, so that should disqualify them.
  22. I remember watching Verne wrestle with the Bruiser, Crusher, Baron von Raschke and others. Pro wrestling legend, 82, investigated in nursing-home roommate's death February 19, 2009 10:31 AM | 21 Comments Former pro wrestling star Verne Gagne, a legend of the sport's golden era in the 1950s and '60s who frequently wrestled in Chicago, is under investigation in Minnesota in connection with the death of a fellow nursing-home resident, TwinCities.com is reporting. Police said Gagne, 82, threw his roommate, Helmut R. Gutmann, 97, to the floor on Jan. 26, breaking his leg and injuring his head
  23. Quinn did just appoitna Blago loyalist, so that could be scandal to some.
  24. The Limbaugh listeners I know to a person say that Rush is not the source of their news, but to a person they parrot what he says and put forth his arguments as their own thinking. It may just be that they get their news from similar sources but they do seem to parrot him quite a bit.
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