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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I have a little first hand knowledge of the CAT situation. Before Christmas they sent out a notice regarding early retirements. People I know contacted HR and got the scoop. Essentially they are getting a nice buy out packages to retire early. That is what the bulk of those jobs are going to be. There may be a few out there who don
  2. In the invasion scene Saving Private Ryan they take a bunch of stories out of Steven Ambbrose D-Day book and compresses them into a small portion of the battle. So a lot of the stuff being shown on screen for the most part did occur, but not in such a small space, but rather over the whole of the invasion beach and over the whole day.
  3. I don't think I did. Jimmy Stewart was pretty goood in his day, but he rarely stretched. I've seen all those movies as well as harvey and Mr Smith. Can't recall seeign Phialdelphia story or not. I've always liked him. I see ntohign wrong with the comparison.
  4. I was unimpressed by the Thin Red Line both the book and the movie. Both were OK to me neither was outstanding. Tom hanks is this generations Jimmy Stewart. A decent, not great actor who gets rolls that are well suited to his abilities. He rarely overreaches with rolls, as a result he rarely fails with his movies. Donkey was better in Schrek than in Bachelor Party.
  5. Ditto, Love Cooley it may be why SRO and Dirty South are the one's I listen to the most. They have his best work (IMHO)
  6. Edgar is still loved by republicans in Illinois the way Reagan is loved by republicans nationwide. Where I live, very rural, Edgar is loved because he pretty much oposed Daily on everyything, especially gambling boats, (which seem to sit on every creek in illinois except the Chicago river), and on the third airport, which Daily wanted inside Chicago limits, while Edgar wanted it a scant 15 minutes from down town (though somehow it takes me a good hour to drive that distence on a low traffic day. Anyhow where I live they think Chicago sucks revenues out of the rest of the state, and when I li
  7. And we all know how well that has workked for Peterson's image. Illinois used to almost like two different states Chicago and the close in suburbs were and always have been democratic in my lifetime, while the rest of the state has essentially been republican except for a few area
  8. For me it comes down to this...A blessing and a curse does not sound as coherent or as strong as the three that came before it, not by a long shot. It has a few good songs, but little cohesion. SRO most certainly does have soem of their strongest songs: Zip City Ronnie and Neil 72 Plastic FLowers Women without Whiskey etc...
  9. There are actually a couple threads out there discussing this very topic, however it
  10. How about we say every state, & the US government, most municipalities...etc.
  11. He only considered Oprah because he knows she can afford the asking price.
  12. Just for grins I looked back at all the nominees since 1970. There have been 195 nominee
  13. I'm torn between wanting to live iin Wetwang England and Titty Ho England.
  14. I also found it interesting how happy the State Department people are to have Hillary and Have Condi gone. The Wicked Witch of the West is what some called her. I always thought she was one of the level headed one's in the Bush camp, but apparently she had imperial airs about her too.
  15. For lack of a better place to put this, lets call it change... You know I have been hard on president Bush for the past few years. He had me for a while from maybe September 2001 through the first grumblings about Iraq in early 2002. He had a chance to unite the world as never before and squandered that chance in Iraq. Anyhow it
  16. I have not seen any of these either. But that statement and the ensuing flairup reminded me of how Bill Murray used to do his oscar picks on SNL back in the day. He woudl maybe have seen one of them and then make his picks. Hilarious stuff.
  17. I get the impression that the consequences of deregulation are irrellevant to the notion of deregualtion it's self.
  18. Just wanted to make sure, since it seems like many people here take any mention of JB as being negative. But Palace was the first thing that came to mind as I listened.
  19. Ahh thhat's different, it was advertised and sold as a tax rebate not necessairly a hand out, though it turned into that for many. I thought you were referring how to get soemthing for nothing like the welfare farmers who surround me.
  20. Ah so you are part of the problem? Suckling at the teat of big government all the while complaining about big government. I hear it all the time from farmers where I live. I guarantee you they resent the money you got and will argue for days about deservign the money they recieve. Funny how that works.
  21. I do not litterally but in the sense that the religious voice in this country is trying to domintate like they do in Saudi and other such unsavory countries.
  22. I would suggest become a farmer or go to work on Wall Street in the markets or investment banking. Those guys are getting the big bucks.
  23. Or if say a health care worker did not want to dispose Birth Control or perhaps they don't believe in fighting nature and don't want to dispense chemo drugs because cancer is a natural deisease. It's wrong because it is a slippery slope. Heck why not just move to Saudi and practice medicine because that is the enviornment that the Bush administration and their conservative religious cronies truley desire.
  24. I like Ron Paul and I know that he was not a 100% backer of the president, but he spent eight years siding with his party more often than not as this whole mess brewed up.
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