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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. My wife liked this one so much she had two copies of the album...which we still own.
  2. And for our friends in the northwest, lets not forget Godzilla!
  3. If i'm not mistaken these companies usually shut down for ten days or so around the holidays anyway. They have mantenance time and retooling etc... so the shut down is really the extra couple of weeks. Or am I wrong here? CAT usually shuts down for that period and it's a regular thing. BTW CAT is cutting their workforce now too.
  4. Top ten for each year in the 1970's... http://www.superseventies.com/singles.html Has anyone mentioned Billy Don't be a Hero? My Dingaling? Kung fu FIghting? The Morning After? Convoy? Or Boogie Oogie Oogie?
  5. ten songs? Stayin Alive Peaceful Easy Feeling Don't fear the reaper American Pie Stairway to Heaven Freebiiiiiiiiiiiiird Having my Baby Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! We are Family Alternates...Chevy Van Afternoon Delight Why can't we be friends
  6. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/health/182...il.html?taf=den
  7. But they are not a racist family, so I don't see what the problem is. /sarcasim off
  8. http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=...&id=6559357 Have no fear though, the young lad got the cake he wnted at Wal-Mart.
  9. True, we know it was a couple fo shoes today, but the other day they had slow reactions not knowing that it was only shoes.
  10. And many of the vendors are small businesses. My inlaws once got screwed out of a fairly significant amount of money when a customer field for bankruptcy shortly after recieving a shipment. I think they may have ended up getting back 7 cents on the dollar years later. It effectively ended their business.
  11. It's obvioulsy the fear of potential future unionization throughout the south that has Toyota sales falling.
  12. What is stunning is the glacier like reaction of the secret service. They did not seem to move too swiftly to snatch the president out harms way, nor did they get to the guy too quickly as he fired off both shoes (or was there a second shoe thrower on the grassy knoll?). Also Maliki seems pretty non-responsive, sure he did thrust a hand out to try and block the second shoe, but it did not seem to interest him too much.
  13. This is one of those things that is probably heavily hedged. I'll bet they take their actual salary from whatever it is down to $1, but keep their Stock Options and other incentives in full.
  14. Should the president and his people be earning less and less as the country performs poorer and poorer? Why doesn
  15. But our governor is also pretty darned incompetant too.
  16. I read that Pat Quinn has already said he may appoint himself senator if blago resigns/gets impeached etc... and he becomes Gov. I would do it too, who in their right mind would want to sit in that seat after the last two Governors went to prison.
  17. Sure they win (lose) because they have a fairly low population and the results are on a per-capita basis. Florida wins out for shear numbers. But Illinois has to win this year for the spectacular nature of their scandals.
  18. If this movie was a result of Rove Lobbying, then he shoudl burn in hell forever.
  19. And there are reports on FOX in Chicago that Obama's people Rham (denied by him of course), were the one's who contacted the FBI. Does not sound like he was playing ball to me, or looking the other way either.
  20. He never was, you just did not know all about Rod yet.
  21. Without getting into a long drawn out list of reasons I'll say U2's last three are head and shoulders above the last three from REM. Though REM's last has their quality on a slight uptick.
  22. The degero list is what it is, and reflects him. I do think that just seeing Weezer on it takes a lot of the luster off the list. That is one POS of an album.
  23. I tend to agree here. I no longer have a lot of desire to get out and see bands live anymore. I absolutely dread going to large venue shows and have for a very long time, but over the past eight or nine years I
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