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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I was on my way home from the Indy airport last night and stopped to get something to eat. The place had the telly on and it was tuned to Fox, hannity to be exact. hannity had mann coulter and some guy who claimed to be a close friend of RFK on. They were discussing of course Bill Ayers & Obama and Ayer association with the RFK murder. So they are now indirectly connecting Obama to RFK
  2. If you are a "struggling" artist wouldn't you want the exposure? And if memory serves me correctly don't struggling artists make zip on royalties anyway? I think the deal is a crock. I also don't think playing the radio will solve the issue for the shop owner. Something is making me think that shhe will still have the roaylties to pay anyway.
  3. Taken simplistically this sort of thing sells to the masses, howe3ver the wealthy and the not wealthy are not drinking the same beer, maybe for this pithy example but not in reality. The reality is that the wealthy in America are drinking a much better taxpayer beer than the poor. Take a look at the "bailout" for example. Stories now are circulating that the 70 billion in bonuses will be paid? With what are they being paid if these companies are in financial trouble? Or look at the notion that these financially troubled businesses are possibly going to be paying their dividends out of bai
  4. i'm at a conference in Las Vegas and one of our speakers was talkng about the McCain Wish List vs Obama wish list for corporate deductions. McCain is in favor of doing away with the domesticemanufacturing deduction which replaced a former foreign deduction not allowed any more. Obama is in favor of ending it for oil & gas co's only (I disagree with both by the way) ANyhow they guy making reemarks said that McCain is in favor of ending the deduction for Joe the manufacturer while Obama is in favor of ending it for Joe the oil & Gas manufacturer. I amd afraid Joe the... is going to
  5. That's all you need to see... Rove floated this idea recently.
  6. I'm related to Celine Dion, I believe we share great grand fathers or my grandfather and hers were borthers, soemthing like that.
  7. Rocks Toys in the Attic Live Bootleg Are my favorite Aerosmith albims
  8. Frickin liberal elitist media annd their fact checking. Damn them.
  9. On one hand I say fine, I'll shop elsewhere. On the other I say FU mr Pharma, you're not the doctor, you don't make that call. So I'm torn. Of course like this thread says there are other options like mail order or competitors. But what if they have a phillosophical difference with treating infections with anti-biotics? Or think holistic methods are best for pain control? Or only believe in natural child birth? My what if's are far fetched because birth Control is the target here, nothing else, it has always been the ultimate target of the anti-choice movment.
  10. I am not sure if he can legally refuse the salary. I'm not sure he can't either but something tells me that he has to accept it. Though GHWBush I believe donated his entire salary to charitywhen he was president, if not for the full 4 years at least for one of them.
  11. I have an 80 with about 12,000 songs and three or four movies on it and still have about 20% space left. I think the ratings of 20,000 songs is relative to the length of the song.
  12. I guess we will have to disagree here as the adminsitration is pretty much still telling the congress to F-off with their oversight. Executive privledge on all fronts.
  13. I will say this kid is very backwards and kind of an idiot. That would have ben difficult since this happened yesterday. Perhaps you are confusing this story with the one I told about another friend of hers who thinks obam is the antichrist? Nope, but it looks like the Simpsons Halloween psecial this week is going to finally do a parody of the Great Pumpkin. Are there any now? And where is the outrage for no checks and balances? Of course the checks and balances are there, but when the administraion says F-U to any attempt to exercise the checks and balances, they are for all
  14. My daughter told me about a discussion she had with one of her friends. She asked the girl why she would not vote for Obama and the girl said flat out I don't like black people. My daughter said that's making a decision because your a racist then. The other kid replied no I'm not racist I just don't like black people (or mexicans for that matter). My kid asked her if she hated her sister who is 50/50. The other kid could not comprehend that her sister was black. Very interesting stupid stuff from hs freshmen.
  15. Here is a man who after becoming one of the grandest opportunists of our times has steadily lost all my respect. As Mayor of NY I had a lot of respect for him, but ever since then he has been nothing but a talking point spewing hack. Which seems to be a lot of what the current republican party fan club really wants as evidenced by their love of all things Sarah. BTW that's a generality not meant to imply that YOU (whomever you may be) are like the rest of the republicans, your different from the party's base I know.
  16. I saw them in 1978 opening for Rush at Alpine Valley, they were awful. Timing sound everythig was very amatuerish. I still like them on studio sounds though.
  17. I didn't even get the bombast, I feel cheated. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, in this case though Trent Reznor should feel insulted.
  18. I heard a portion of the title track and it sounds just like NIN though more like a NIN coverband. Not too good.
  19. That is the candidate Id like to see. Unfortunately the wingnuts have a death grip on the party so it will more likely be a candidate in the mold of Palin who will run.
  20. I've long held that Powell has gotten off easy on Iraq, though the blame for his performance usually gets pushed off to Dirty Dick and his manipulation of intelligence. His problem in this area, as with so many others is that he plays
  21. You know I am beginning to think that Buchanan is only for McCain because of race. Ditto for Limbaugh, ORiley, Hannity, and Joe the plumber. That has to be it no other reason for them to pull for McCain. BTW the above is a joke as is the Buchanan article and all the punditry who willingly choose to ignore what Powell has said and written about his endorsement.
  22. At the time it was advertised as being simplified though. My overall pont though is that if the code is to be re-worked it will open the doors to pandora's box. And for individuals it is not really an issue because for most the code is realtively simple, it is business that has the bulk of the code applied to them. Did you know that essentially the code is a huge list of exceptions? Generlaly the code says all income is taxable and that it delves into the exceptions, exemptions and deductions etc...and that is where the complexity develops. At least that's how it was taught to me in my y
  23. Each president escalated a little bit. Truman set the tone with the truman doctrine then Eisenhower with increasing the number of advisors and increasing our meddeling in the SV government. Kennedy coondinued to increase and meddle (Diem...POW!) then of course LBJ and his crew concocted Tonkin and escalated the crap out of it. Nixon started the draw down, but escalated the fighting via bombing and incursions into Laos and Cambodia. Eventually thhe NVA calmed down, we bought that as peace and left, when they were just retooling their military for a final push, and finally Ford presided whil
  24. I stand corrected First troops went in under Truman at the end of WWII and then again when the French were fighting the Viet Mihn.
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