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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Obama's gone off the deep end. McCain talks of bi-partisanship and then his rallies are, well, they are what they are. Here is what Obam said today in Ohio... It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that's not what we need right now in the United States. The times are too serious. The challenges are too great. The American people aren't looking for someone who can divide this country -- they're looking for someone who will lead it. We're in a serious crisis -- now, more than ever, it is time to put country ahead of politics. Now, more than ever, it is time to bring
  2. I've read that and it has been talked about for years. Including that the Alaskan oil would most likely end up in China or Korea once it gets pumped because those markets are so much closer to the source. I've also read that if every drop of suspected reserves were pumped out of Alaska it would fuel us for three months or three years (I can't remember which right now).
  3. So you are part of the fraud? I can only assume so since you obviously have sat in on closings that you seem to be saying today were based on fraudulently obtained loans. Or you witnessed it and did not report it? Or did you report it and are just waiting for someone to investigate? If you had a conscious and have not reported this I think you should do so now. Or perhaps your fellow realtor s told you about their fraud and you condoned it by not turning them in? Or perhaps you did not participate and profit from the fraud but learned of it through osmosis? I
  4. I know what you are saying and for me it depends on the song. Does the lead fit in? Is it tasteful? etc...
  5. Nope its reality when you consider that Bush has tried to end SS and the general view of SS from the right is that it should not exist. And no especially when the candidate this election cylce clearly has a history of bein agaisnt medicare. I don't honestly think that is fear mongerin. It is what the republican party wants to have happen. Compare that (takin actual republican positions) to what is occurin today...Obama the muslim, Obama the terrorist, only we can keep you safe (ignoring that only they were at the helm on 911) etc...
  6. The last part just perpetuates the ignorance. Good job of stickin to the talkin points! The first part of the answer obviously ignores my response. Where is the hard public evidence of thsi widespread fraud?????? All I have heard is anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence is it. as they say in crappy Tom Cruise movies "show me the money" Where is the proof? Rigth now the proof is akin to the thirteen year old kid with a girlfriend who lives in the Niagra falls area of New York, i.e. nice story but not proof of existence. Also you choose to continually ignore the role of deregualtion
  7. I'll just say that proves my point that they fit in seemlessly in the irght places at the right times.
  8. Gee how many US presidents hung out with Mencahim Begin? Wasn't he part of the group that blew up the King David Hotel killin 91 people? Is president Bush pallin around with Kadffiy (sp?) since we are now buddies with Libya? How about former IRA members? How about him pallin around with the Suadi's - the financers of the otherside in the war on terra? Is Patreaus palling around with terrorists, when he negotiates with Sunni tribal members and pays them to not fight us? It's all feigned outrage and is the last refuge of a campaign whose ideas the people are overwhelmingly rejecting. So t
  9. I'm not arguing that Kerry didnn't deserve to lose, he ran a shitty campaign and let the Bush team dictate the terms of the campaign continually. Reacting to them rather than taking the initiative. Besides anecdotal evidence and people tellin stories of people they "know" or
  10. Pretty definative, absolute statement there. The two quotes don't really go together.
  11. You are assuming that Kerry would have continued to screw things up as Bush did. Really you and I have no clue as to what never happened. You be the judge of what was being talked about... McCains Answer: I will. And it is already a matter of record that members, Democrat members of Congress fought against reform and it is a matter of record and hearings that they said everything was fine. Senator Obama a year ago said that these kinds of subprime loans are, quote, fine with him. And the fact is that the same people that are now claiming credit for this rescue are the same ones that
  12. I found the "get a job" comments funny. DO these people, who seem to have free time in the middle of the day to go to a rally, find it odd that students and others can also make free time to go and protest the rally?
  13. It just seemd like your original answert was in response to the "he's a terrorist" allegations being tossed out there by the McCain camp. This response is in no way shape or form related to the original, at least as far as I can see. Some douchebag asked McCain if once he became presiednt if he woudl investigate and bring to jsutice those responsible for the current financial mess. Of course McCain said yes, though I seriously doubt he would go after the deregualtors especially as he is stocking his cabinet andwhatnot with the very people who caused the problem. Oh for "BALANCE" i'm sure
  14. David Brooks has apretty good column today, very interesting... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/10/opinion/...tml?ref=opinion A passage: In 1976, in a close election, Gerald Ford won the entire West Coast along with northeastern states like New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and Maine. In 1984, Reagan won every state but Minnesota. But over the past few decades, the Republican Party has driven away people who live in cities, in highly educated regions and on the coasts. This expulsion has had many causes. But the big one is this: Republican political tacticians decided to mobilize their c
  15. How eaxctly is the Obama camp guilty of getting the masses frothy when Palin gets out there and on every stop, be it a campaign stop or a fox interview, and accuses Obam of palling around with terrorists, and of not being an American like her. Please do explain the responsibility on the Obama side of the coin.
  16. Watching the videos posted here, and other places, reading the comment sections to articles at places like the Trib and WaPo, hearing what the pundits are saying on Fox and the radio along with the way the McCain group is taking to campaigining is just making me Ill. I am fairly certain that 30% of the population will never accept an Obama presidency (heck 50% didn't accept the Bush presidency but we delt with it). But I wonder, the "base" seems so rabid, so angry and about stupid shit...he's a muslim, he's a terrorist, he's a socialist (apparently he has proposed all the buyouts) etc... the
  17. The Bill Murray Question regarding the Cubs was great.
  18. Is the debate protestor a McCain supporter? I don't think so. I'm going to guess third party supporter. But Obama's people have nothing to do with him being carted off, at least not by what is being shown on the video.
  19. If you define great as technical prowess then perhaps pete is not that great. But if you define is as adding the right touches in the right spots with guitar then Pete is great. I happen to think he is great. Ditto for Neil Young who gets called out from time to time for not being a technical wizard.
  20. If that is what you get out of what I wrote then it helps answer this...
  21. I am agianst this whole notion of removing or excluding those who disagree with you from the crowd. Thhey all have voices to be heard. I was against it when Bush did it and I'm against it when the Obam camp does it. The only exception should be for thhose who pose a danger to others or those who are indanger for simply speaking, which is also bullshit.
  22. Very cool. I see some great titles for gifts.
  23. BTW the largest part of the equation, from what I understand is not the mortgages themselves, which are huge, but the problem is the financial products leveraged off those mortgages. From Media Matters (which I assume will be the last thing some here read on this post): Several conservatives in the media have recently blamed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) for the current financial crisis -- when, in fact, the CRA does not apply to institutions making what some experts have estimated to be the vast majority of troubled loans underlying the crisis. In a September 28 Boston Globe column
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