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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Did I call her moron? Have you listened to her interviews? Do they make sense to you? Has she been treated unfairly for her performances? Give answers with specifics. You already know the specifics of how people come up with the moron label prove everyone wrong, say something good about her not knowing any supreme court decisions... Say soemthign good abotu her "You can see Russia from Alaska" comments. Say soemthing positive about her energy comments and molecules explanation. Tangibly support her as people have tangibly shown her ineptitude. Simply tossing out fluff without substanc
  2. And this makes her incapable of posing pre-determined questions to the candidates? Glad to see you have your built in excuse. So if Palin talks and sounds like an Idiot it will be Ifill
  3. I am absolutely thrilled for my SOX!!!!!. The other night we were watching when Ramirez came up to bat and just as the pitcher delivered my daughter was asking if this guy can hit homeruns. Great moment. Last night was incredible. Danks was on and the old guys Thome and Griffey delivered when we needed it.
  4. My wife asked me if since becoming VP candidate if Palin has said anything (not on a stump speach or talking point presentation) that was intelligent annd coherent. I don't think so, but we both agreed that we know people, too many people who think she is brilliant and understand her even when her answers are babble.
  5. I think this speaks for its self (she make a case for voting for Obama): Katie Couric: You made a funny comment, you've said you have been listening to Joe Biden's speeches since you were in second grade. Gov. Palin: It's been since like '72, yah. Katie Couric: You have a 72-year-old running mate, is that kind of a risky thing to say, insinuating that Joe Biden's been around awhile? Gov. Palin: Oh no, it's nothing negative at all. He's got a lot of experience and just stating the fact there, that we've been hearing his speeches for all these years. So he's got a tremendous amount of
  6. And you can see Mexico from Arizona! Umm I hope we don't find out if he can survive one term.
  7. Ford/UAW's latest contract You can assume Chrysler and GM have the same thing. http://www.uaw.org/contracts/07/ford/hrly/index.php BTW It was mentioned that pensions would be the next crisis. The big three have seen this issue coming for years and have done little or nothing about it. I think they did little about it because times were good, now that they are going south we will hear more about it. I
  8. I think Kwall has a point that there are Gaffes, the right takes them and runs the marathon with them. Palin by comparison makes a gaffe today we have fun with it tomorrow, and the next day she will have a couple more new ones.
  9. Exactly but the company agrees to the demands, though with the next contract they may not. But companies like Ford and GM need to do a hell of a lot more than bargain tougher with the union. They need to re-engineer their whole company and how they do business. The much despised and hated union is simply one piece of the puzzle. I say that if the union did not exist and Ford & GM paid walmart wages and benefits, both companies woudl still be in major trouble right now. The auto industry in this country has always been poorly run. It's just that the good times have tended to mask that
  10. Touche' But I still maintain that he does not screw up every time he talks publicly like... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=palin+gaffes
  11. My mistake they pay UAW wages & benfits, but to the best of my knowledge are not in a contract with the UAW.
  12. The auto workers at the big three have contracts that mirror each other (I think John Deere and CAT used to also). So they all end up with roughly the same deal. benefits is a huge problem right now, and I think you will see each of these companies with a huge post-retirement issue. Retirees cost a lot and as modern medicine keeps people alive longer the pension and medical benefits for retirees. Here
  13. Take a few minutes annd list out these well-known Gaffes. Annd you can skip the taxes are patriotic one since we all know that one. Are any as horrendous as I can see Russia? Has he ever said anything stupid like Delaware is ont he ocean and pirates come out of the sea. If captain Jack invades the US the first place he will visit will be the shore annd Delaware is on the shore.
  14. Hmm, which is it, is it that they build cars that nobody wants to drive or is it the Union? The easy target is always the Union, the employees. While they are not entirely blameless, the company has willingly taken on these contracts year after year after year. Toyota and Honda have UAW plants why are they not suffering as much? It goes back to the first statement you made in your post. The US automakers throughout the 1990
  15. They have her in training all this week. IF she can match the correct buzz words and sound bites with the right questions it will be a huge leap forward. If she can do it and make it sound natural and unforced then regardless of the actual outcome it woudl probably be a victory for her since expectations on all sides are very very low for her. In otherwords anything better than her usual disasterous performances will be a victory..
  16. I found it funny in the latest interview when McCain Interrupted Palin to explain what she was trying to explain and what she meant when she said what she said then made a comment about how she can answer her own questions. If that does not make it to SNL I
  17. Jude, the difference in your scenarios is that the 20% downpayment person probably got or could have gotten a favorable fixed rate, probably makes more and is probably not in foreclosure today. It's the marginal clients who got the sub-prime mtges and who are facing foreclosure. Do you see the difference between GM posting huges losses with thousands or tens of thousands of jobs on the line and the Wal-Street firms losing similar amounts? Realistically I know there are no comparisons other than the losses,but each is vital to the ecomony (heck toss in the airlines too) and each are losing
  18. Rumor: Gingrich scuttled the bailout plan by back door politicking republicans to note vote for it. Rumor: Hitting the cutting room floor from the Couric interview was a question where Couric asked Palin to name or talk about a Supreme Court decision other than Roe. The question was answered with silence. This rumor was from a Palin staffer. Fact: McCain and Palin appeared together in an interview with Couric and hammered gotcha politics. Their gotcha moment was Palin answering a direct question about cross border incursions into Pakistan where she emulated Obama
  19. Yes there was that money in the initial transaction. It's what has happened since then that I am referrign to.
  20. Actually the money did disappear. As interest went up and credit tightened, the housing market slowed. Bidding for housing slowed and slid backwards. Home owners mortgage payments went up, what was once affordable was now un affordable, they tried to sell and prices were moving downwards because the buyers were fewer and further between. The vanished money was in the value of the homes and in the difference between the foreclosed mortgages and the market value of the re-possessed homes.
  21. The speech was outlining the criminal fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush adminsitration. It needs to be said over and over and it needs to be part of the public record. I think the bill suck period and am glad it failed. That however is a separate issue from the partisanship involved. The partisanship is evident right from the get go with the comments of McCain blaming Obama...for what? Not delivering republican votes? For not posturing enough like McCain? from Not phoning it in? Also the comments of Boner immediate pass blame to the democratsfor him not being able to deliver...he ne
  22. The whole point of the bill was for it to pass with support from both sides. Democrats provided 60% of their members to vote for this unpopular and wasteful bill. Republicans provided 33% of their members so they were short on their promise to make the bill bi-partisan (hint hint equal numbers that total up to a veto proof majority to at least give the illusion that this pig was acceptable to congress.) Republicans wer 1/3 short on their support and 2/3 high on their opposition. Before you take Boners word that Pelosi's "Partisan" Speach before the vote was the reason for the failure. I
  23. Apaprently 90% would which makes me wonder...is 90% of the country left leaning liberals? BTW 100 years ago and prior so many of these birth defect children would not have made it or would have been put in poor houses, asylums or worse. Was it god's will then?
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