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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I thought he ate pop rocks, drank coke and exploded?
  2. Bandwagons empty as quickly as they fill...see the 2008 Cubs for instance.
  3. I won't watch that show Gene's a douchebag IMHO. Actually if you have followed my narrative on politics I'm not really a utopian seeker. The first time I ever voted Democrat was 2000 when the R's put Bush out there. I could not stand the guy in 1976, 1986, 1996 or 2000 (yes he was in the press more than you can imagine back then.) and the fact that he was the nominee showed a disturbing trend for the republican party. I was actually a McCain supporter back in 2000. But knowing how Bush had lived his life as a petulant spoiled prick and hearing his campaign rhetoric and seeing that his pe
  4. Personal? What did he do to you to make this personal? Did he steal your lunch money? Girlfriend? Give you a flat tire? What???? So if a person has beliefs and ideas they have to live those ideas and beliefs to the hilt? So Lennon writes Imagine and it's invalid because he's not living the utopian dream with no posessions? People have expressed this same notion when Bono lobby's for the poor. But if either one of these guys were destitute no one woudl listen...catch 22 I guess. So extending this how should Nick Cave be living? Is Gene Simmons a phoney for not rocking and rolling ev
  5. Fannie and freddie are not the main issue, they ar part of the bigger picture and were relative late commers to the game now being lost. Weren't alot of republicans also opposed to the oversight board the president proposed back in '03 when they had total control of the government? The problem is not who was playing the game, but the rules that were made back in 99 and beyond. the problem is letting the market be the market. The problem is the phony "ownerhsip society" where the lending institutions were encouraged to take huge risks by the government who was the GOP when this all started
  6. A pit fight, I like it. Replacements vs Husker Du in the pit. Two bands go in, one walks out. I'll put my money on the replacements, because there are more of them and Grant is likely to go against Bob and side with the mats while Norton will just not be interested.
  7. I agree fully on this sound track. It is good stuff from Paul.
  8. Right, my memory is not that bad, I was alive and workin then. I was actually workin in public accountin then and saw some firms have dips in their revenues and profits, none (of my clients) that I could think of laid anyone off though... but the entire economy was not on the verge of collapse world wide because of anythin Bill Clinton did back then. Today across the globe there is a huge mess spreadin and the mess starts with the deregualtion of the US financial systems, a pet GOP cause, and you can not deny that, McCain thhe presummptive leader of the party is still preachin deregulation.
  9. Bush could not have made those comments back in January of this year, not even close, AND things were not as bad as you seem to think they were back then, again nothing like this. What is occuring now is purely the result of GOP policy not the result of Clintons work. But you will never ever believe that so I just wasted twenty seconds of my life typing this.
  10. From Clinton's final State of the Unions address: "We begin the new century with over 20 million new jobs; the fastest economic growth in more than 30 years; the lowest unemployment rates in 30 years; the lowest poverty rates in 20 years; the lowest African American and Hispanic unemployment rates on record; the first back-to-back budget surpluses in 42 years. And next month, America will achieve the longest period of economic growth in our entire history." I wonder what Bush will have in his?
  11. I try to listen for ideas all the time. Some times it works and sometimes not.
  12. Huh? When did that happen? Re: the debate, both my wife and I thought both candidates were sort of stiff and repetetive with their answers relative to how we have heard them before. They also tended not to direclty answer the questions though Obama more often than McCain eventually got to somewhat of an answer. We both thought that McCain looked robotic , almost like a disney animatronic figure the way he moved his arms and moved around the stage. When taking the second question from the young black man McCain made a comment that the guy probably had not heard of Fannnie or Freddie unt
  13. Has anyone mentioned "the other Righteous Brother"
  14. Is Can't you hear me knocking an essential/crucial stones recording? I've never thought of it as one. How about both Hall and Oates in their band? Michael Bolton in his band? Oh Wait it's great bands, never mind. I'm gonna have to say Jizmak from GWAR.
  15. People are generally disattisfied with the war in iraq however not disattisfied enough to hit the streets. The main reason is that the toll in American lives is not as high as Vietnam and there is no draft so there is little chance of you getting killed in the war if you choose not to participate. In the 60's if you choose not to participate you still had to go. Hence the protests.
  16. The second cellist of the NY Phillharmonic is soo overrated.
  17. By jacobnicholas definition that makes her a liar. I sure hope he points that out to us.
  18. Umm... http://www.delawareonline.com/blogs/second...shout-outs.html UPDATED ON FRIDAY: OK, here's the deal, last night Biden did mention Katie's restaurant and Union Street. But I checked The News Journal archives this morning and, well, don't plan on trying to find it on Union Street anytime soon. And I wonder if the Katie's today, which is now actually Wings to Go at Katies, is the same Katie's that Joe remembers..... Katie's was at the corner of Sixth and Scott streets in Wilmington's Little Italy neighborhood. (Not Union Street.) It had been a local and much-loved institution, well
  19. If you are fine with people thinking Palin is under-qualified (though I would say absolutely un-qualified, and I don
  20. With her latest round of attacks I think the true Palin is coming out. She's no politician, at least not in the sense that we think of them, or have histoically thought of them. Nope she sounds more and more like she has been raised politically on a steady diet of Rush, Hannity, Fox news, Washington Times etc... the right wind spin machine and she has lapped it up and taken it to heart. I don't think, even if she wanted to, that she could see the world in terms of what it truely is. i.e. separate fact from fiction, spin from reality. I think she is a very ambittious person, and can smell
  21. Horsehoe Moms & Joe Six pack while we drive the back roads?
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