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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. What exactly is it about McCains plan you favor? Is it the trickle down ecnomics? Do you still believe that works? It hasn't yet and tax cuts have never paid for themselves. I really am curious why you like his plan better. In all honesty I seriously doubt anyone on this baord is a top 5% person, though I have been wrong before. To me on the financial end of things, this is peopel voting against their best personal interests. Though I did see a study once where somethign like 20+% of the peopl in the US felt that they were in the top 5%. Maybe that is it. Be My Guest.
  2. The way I look at it is for the most part people have no trouble with the concept of paying more for a
  3. I believe the fallout came from the McCain divorce and how it occurred (blindsided Ron and Nancy who were friends of the first Mrs McCain. ) I may be wrong But I thought it had something to do with that.
  4. I've got nothin...oh wait... Since the McPalin camp seems to want to make character an issue, I was wondering if we could discuss that a little bit? I won
  5. It just looked touched up to me. Neither picture is very flattering though.
  6. Look at CNN's home page right now www.cnn.com Does that picture of Obama look much darker than normal? It almost makes him look Egyptian.
  7. Exactly! What todays republicans are for is for getting their own way, for winning and for oposing democrats at all turns. The current crop of republicans donto in any way shape or form match up with on any levels the conservatives of the past. I'll even go so far to say that the last real conservative presiident was Ike, not Reagan. Regan grew the government, grew the debt and started the US on it's current path of military adverturism all of which were never conservative in nature. That being said I do acknowledge Ike's hand in Vietnam and planning the Bay of Pigs.
  8. I beg to differ GWB benfitted mightily from 911. He was dead in the water on 9/10. 9/11 gave him the opportunity to push his radical agenda and it helped buy him a second term.
  9. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/15/us/polit...&oref=login
  10. Oh Yea? http://www.wftv.com/news/17700921/detail.html WFTV.com Related To Story Images: See The Rat That Set Home On Fire Flaming Pet Rat Starts Fire, Damages Titusville Home POSTED: 7:03 am EDT October 13, 2008 UPDATED: 5:11 pm EDT October 13, 2008 TITUSVILLE, Fla. -- A pet rat, a piece of twine and some questionable judgment ended with a Brevard County home in flames. David Stanifer and two friends were inside the home on Friars Court (see map) in Brevard County when the fire started early Monday morning. Stanifer and two other people were chasing the rat, named Amelia Earh
  11. I had a friend growing up who was born in 1960 after the elections and he was named for that years loser Richard Nixon.
  12. Sign of the apocalypse? Or just a dumb ass letting people know he's a dumb ass? MAN NAMES BABY SARAH MCCAIN PALIN -- AGAINST WIFE'S WISHES ELIZABETHTON, Tenn. -- A new father has secretly named his baby girl Sarah McCain Palin after the Republican ticket for president and vice president. Mark Ciptak of Elizabethton put that name on the documents for the girl's birth certificate, ignoring the name Ava Grace, which he and his wife had picked earlier. "I don't think she believes me yet," he told the Kingsport Times-News for a story to be published Tuesday. "It's going to take some more conv
  13. Where can you get a lwyer for$100? Try more like $500 - $1,000 depending ont he specialty. It's all relative though. The $1,000/hr lawyer can possibly dispense advice saving ten times his hourly rate, where as a watermelon picker can earn you the profit margin of his melon times the number of melons picked, which will obviusly not be as much as an LLM might earn you. Are both jobs needed and provide value? Of course, one is more physical and in reality more fungible, while the other is more specialized.
  14. Preachers in the US have been preaching the end of times for 150 years at least. It keeps the coffers full, gets the masses riled/interested and many of the believers has gone to their grave fully well thinking that the end of times was days away. I think I told this one before but my father in law had this guy at work who was an end of times rapture type of person. One day this left behind reader was discussing the rapture and what my in law needed to do once he (the friend) was swept up to heaven in the rapture. My in law just looked at him and said, what if it already happened? The gu
  15. Today in Scranton another McPalin supporter yelled out Kill Him at themention of Obama's name. Palin was not in the house at the time. But the speaker made no effort to rebuke the guy. Probably a Schrute.
  16. Huge numbers of the population, the left behind series is all about revelations/end times.
  17. 1) I used to have pretty good discussions with my minister about Revelations and the Levitical Codes. He felt that Revelations was referring to the specific times which it was written and much of it was written in code that current day readers would have no clue to, but which contemporary readers would be immediately in tune with. He also wondered why it was included in the bible to begin with. As to the Leviticus (and other Pentateuch laws/codes) his thought was that way back when they put together the new testament that they made a mistake by adding it to the old testament. Jesus and th
  18. I'm INFJ on this test with all factors being slightly above 50%
  19. McCain needs to tread carefully with the whole Ayers thing afterall he has the keating scandal on his side of the court and those people from Iran Contra such as Ollie North who willingly subverted the constitution. And of course his VP has her AIP ties. If McCain is going to sling mud I think he will be covered in it himself.
  20. ITFP - Strong I & P Moderate T & F And yes my CD's (1,500 or so)are alphabetized too. I also have them in chronological order within each artist. I can walk in the room and sense that one has been moved too. My wife and her mom used to try and get me on this, but it never works, butI'll walk in and walk right up to the CD's and switch them to the right places everu time.
  21. A major point of contention for right wingers is the Unified Estate and Gift tax. Right wingers hate it, but they have the Murder-suicide act of 2010 to help them with their cause (fyi the tax rate is zero in 2009). Anyhow I am not against this tax in concept, just in execution. How so? For one main reason it taxes the bulk of the estate, whereas I think just the gain should be taxed. For instance if you have stock in coke that you have a basis of $1/share but it has a market value of $2. The tax to your heirs will be on the $2, while I think it should be on the $1. That and the rates
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