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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Coming soon toa FoxNews pundit or Talk radio show near you...discussions on how this election is the opposite of MLK's dream and that the election proves that it is really the left who are the driving force behind racisim in America.
  2. WIth regards to Blagovich appointing a sucessor to Obama or Emannuel I think it would be in his best interests if he consulted with the President-Elect prior to making the choice.
  3. Froma fox news forum post... My fellow Republicans. Let
  4. I think some absentee and early voting numbers have not been factored in yet. 600,000 was the figure I had read.
  5. The tribune has a time lapsed video of Grant park that takes abotu 3 minutes. It's pretty cool to see.
  6. I like JR too, but his creative peak has passed him 25+ years ago. I watched the thing on CNN mainly, they seemed to be more cautious and conservative with their predictions. Anyhow My favorite moments were: 1) 10:01pm when they declared victory. I quickly flipped to CBS, ABC & NBC to see if all were following suit, they were. 2) Obama
  7. RIgh tnow listenign to Master of Puppets. Already listened to: Steely Dan - Best of Black Ice American III Van Lier Rose The Boxing Mirror Tell Tale Signs and Jesus Egg are up next.
  8. Did that affect the tip? Or do people not tip their masseuse (sp?)
  9. What line? II live in rural illinois we had no lines and plenty of machines/voting booths avaialable.
  10. A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the mean time we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war & long oppressions of enormous public debt. Thomas Jefferson June 4, 1798.
  11. Searching on it all I found was the stuff about 58k ballots going missing in 2004. There was another story about 3,500 missing ballots that were found back in September. But nothing specific about R ballots being missing in 2008. So if true, it has not hit the liberal elite media yet. This place has voted 2-1 or better for republicans for 30+ years.
  12. I saw that, but at this point the facts are irrelevant. WHat has been said has been said and the rank and file will still think the election was stolen.
  13. Details, details I feel bad for him, to have such sadness one day and possibly such joy tomorrow. Too bad she did not live to see tomorrow.
  14. Deregulation? let me tell ya... I'm sorry, but people where I live totally do not get the need for taxes even as our roads ride like the warning strips on highways. Not where I live. They think it is just shitty government that you need a four wheel drive to get down a main highway. They certainly don't want to actually pay for those roads to be fixed and especially not the farmers who drive their multi-ton vehicles on roads not rated for them. Nope the association is not made here. Were taxes too high during the Clinton years? We seemd to boom throughout the 1990's. Were they too h
  15. This is what absolutely has to change. I think we agree here. The problem is that this situation went to shit over the last eight years under the guidance of who...? Personally I would like to see our around the world adventurism end and the savings used to pay down our debt. Both candidates are wrong for proposing tax cuts now, because the cuts will only worsen the situation. Also it has already been proven twice that 1) trickle down does nto actually work and 2) tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
  16. Please note that the Cap Gain tax is not on top oof the other taxes. Income is taxed at one level...35% for those whose taxable income is roughly $350K. Capital gains also range from 5% to 15% depending ont heh holding period and the taxpayers bracket. Also state and local taxes as are deductible on the fed return as are real estate and sales taxes so they shield a portion of yoru income from federal tax.
  17. Here are a few of my ideas of waste in tax spending
  18. This is exactly the heart of the matter. The ones I know this is the argument for keeping republicans in power, the black/white and religious stuff is simply the mechanism for getting the vote out. The ones I know still view the world through very old lenses and see taxes as being a way to give hand outs to the undeserving, mainly blacks in cities and the poor who are
  19. It's because the republican party gets the backing of the biggies, the Falwells (formerly) The robertsons, dobsons, Lahaye etc....
  20. Its not presidential politics but Dick Durbins daughter (40) passed away yesterday.
  21. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/elec...eo-ousted_N.htm Rifle maker bounces boss who supports Obama By Ken Dilanian, USA TODAY WASHINGTON
  22. Gerard Damiano the director of Deep Throat passed away this week on October 25th.
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