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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I'm not arguing that it is a set of ideals, I'm arguing that those ideals have either been changed over the last thrity years or they have been hijacked/corrupted. Now the common definition/picture of a conservative is not at all what conservatisim once was. Opps broke my pledge of no more on this topic. I'll put the topic on ignore now.
  2. As of this morning I say no bailout. and play it by ear and put out fires as they erupt.
  3. No I don't live in the south and we do think differently up here. Here they mainly dislike Harry Potter, DaVinci Code & stuff like that.
  4. It's suprsing to me because I see ntohing wrong with her books and generally think they are age appropriate.
  5. Common usage, Webters is not always up to date, But I'll drop them a note...
  6. Marginal groups. None of these are mainstream. My point has been that you can cling to the label all you want but the public has a new definition of what a conservative is, the perception has changed. What it was it no longer is anymore in spite of what splinter groups may say. Even if you don
  7. You are expressing how I feel exactly. But please tell me how if you say the president is not conservative and the congress has moved in lock step with him, and the 30% will not leave him who are the conservatives? What do they believ in anymore? Because there are no true conservatives in Congress outside of Ron Paul and a couple of others and you saw the support Paul has recieved on a national basis. So who are the conservatives these days?
  8. A generaliztion that applies to nearly everyone I know? The county I live in has put something like 70% votes for Bush in the last two elections. It is one of the counties in Illinois that the nut running against Obama actually won when he ran for senate. From my perspective, and theirs, they are what conservatism is. They apply lip service to the old principles of censervatism, but it does not exist any more in any shape that has enough influence in our country. Just because some out there say "that's not conservatism" does not make it so. It is what it is today, definitions change ove
  9. Surprisingly Judy Blume is one of the msot challenged authors.
  10. Like: Gulf of Tonkin, Chilie, Diem assasination, Intelligence for Iraq, the official line on the economy (prior to last week), The Maine, etc...
  11. I'm telling you the people/conservatives I know where I live love him dearly and you tell me I'm wrong? Interesting. I don't know of a single self proclaimed conservative where I live who has anything bad to say about Bush or his policies. Some, with a straight face, will argue vehemently that he is the best president ever. My in-laws ask me what they are missing when they listen to their friends make loving statements about Bush. You can choose to believe this or not , but it is what I face everyday where I live. The closest anyone comes to criticizing him is they might criticize a poli
  12. I used to be a completist, but found myself buying music I detested made by artists I liked. Now I just pick up what appeals to me and If I don't care for it I don't get it, in the past this would have made me jittery like a junkie looking for afix. Now its no big deal.
  13. There is a story now about a Chicago suburb and some parents challenging the book Nick and Nora's infinite Playlist.
  14. Not where I live, they love him like a deity - seriously The people I am referencing are 1%'ers. One owns a chain of retail stores and is worth 200m or so. For these people it all comes down to greed who will give them the lowest taxes...period. They love Bush. You forgot that he is also the anti-christ. My daughters best friend told her that is what she and her church believe. Her main reason besides the muslim thing is that Obama is a good speaker and the anti christ will be a good speaker. Thats why theylove Bush/McCain/Palin etc... I told my daughter to ask her if her min
  15. I'll stick to my guns and say he did have a mess to clean up, but the mess started in the early 1970's with the Ford adminsitration and continued through to about mid 1984. Now will you stick to your guns and saya good elader could have cleaned it up and got things on track through leadership? If so why did the crappy economy continue for three years under reagan?
  16. You are correct it is inaccurate. The tech bubble had burst in 2000 (more like spring 2000) but nothing like what we are facing now, not even close. Beyond that the seven years prior to the burst were pretty good years, or as George Bush said during his campaign in 2000 he was running against eight years of peace and prosperity. One more thing go back and take a look at the economy. Take a look at each major talk Bush gave on the economy in 2001 and overlay that with the stock market
  17. Exactly it took Bush a while to undo the economic gains, peace and prosperity of the Clinton years. Actually it takes less time to crash a car than it takes to build it, or hydroplane boat if you want a more dramatic crash. Whatever, deny the obvious.
  18. Yep there are, but in this particular case we are talking about conservatives fear of a socialist state and their die hard view that anything not thir way will result in sucha state. On the flip side there are those who thought Bush was going to be a total disaster... Regardless of who the president is they have to clean up the mess before they can implement their agenda.
  19. How about this one: http://www.heroism.org/class/1950/heroes/till.htm
  20. I don't think he's overreacting. Many of those I know who get their news from the usual sources (FOX, Talk Radio etc...) think the same way. They see doom and gloom if Obama get elected. Of course to them everything is just great right now and the only problem is that the liberal media keeps making up stuff to embarass Bush and hinder McCains efforts at getting into the White House. Seriously, no satire or snarkiness on this post. But they are a black and white group, for the past eight years it has been either do it their way with the only alternative being total ruin and damnation, the
  21. It will air tonight. It is out there now. Can they get voters registered as fast as the republican's can get voters stricken from the voter lists?
  22. I don't know? Maybe they are going to either air a third part? Or maybe they are holding back the really bad stuff?
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