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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. While I still think Lars is a huge douche bag I really like the new album. It has a familiar feel to it for long time metallica fans. Very familiar in fact. My daughter asked me on a couple of songs "Is this One? It sounds like it." In spite of that It has more muscle and cohesion than their last few dogs have had.
  2. So far I like what they have done.
  3. I don't think the father as being permissive at all. As to this being a new thing? Not really my grand parents had my aunt 3 months after they got married in the early 1920's. Not new at all.
  4. I have no problem with this. Seems like it should have been done long ago and...it is pretty much what Obama said he would do and was ridiculed for. Interesting.
  5. Those specific questions? I have no idea. He gives so many interviews and has been speaking in public so long that it all runs together. I didn't see it, but I am sure ORiely was fairly soft and non-confrontational with Obama. With her this is it thus far.
  6. My impression of the interview is based on hearing it and not seeing it, so I have no idea how she came across visually. But verbally she was horrible. She seemed robotic in some answers and on others she sounded like she was searching her mind for the correct response, almost like when you try to answer an essay question on atest, you know the answer the teacher wants but you have write something anything while the answer coagulates in your mind. She would start talking and you could almost hear the gears grinding as she racked her brain looking for the answer. As to Gibson being hard on
  7. Like I said you can assume whatever you want. You can assume that Osama Bin Laden and Obama and Biden is not a coincidence but a signal that the master plan is about to be enacted. You can assume obama is a muslim or a radical christian. You can assume he is simply a celebrety like Palin or too inexperienced to do anything. You cann asusme whatever you like because it makes no difference in your view of him. Oh, you got me there, yeas libraries sell books that don't get checked out, they toss books that are worn out, they move books in and out all the time for practical reasons. But
  8. There was no list. At the time, depending on which story is to be believed and how much is has been spun, she either simply inquired about the policy to remove books from the shelf or looked into actually going through the process. Either way it dooes nto sit well with people who don't like this sort of thing.
  9. You can assume whatever you want. Given the climate of corrpution that hhas pervaded the republican party while in power I would say it is a safe bet. As to her being a political appointee seeing her connection directly to the white house and knowing that nearly every move this adminsitration made was partisan the old sayig if it looks like aduck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck...
  10. She was never a memebr of the AIP but her husband was right up until she announced her canidacy for Gov. The NYT story that claimed she was a member was going by what they were told be AIP people. Either way though should she be held accountable for comments made by the leadership of the AIP since they were close associates of her husband?
  11. It does nto say that anywhere that I could tell. Even though the story does not say it explicitly I'm assuming that since her husband works in the WH at least the woman in charge was a politcal appointee. The rest I have no clue about now.
  12. They want change, but not too much... I hope these Bush people prepare her for the debate too, because Bush was always so prepared and so skilled at the debates. If she has that Bush smirk during the interview you know it will have been money well spent by the McCain camp. But overall, why would she need such intense preparation if she is so highly qualified to be vice president? Veterans of Bush team prep Sarah Palin for TV interview By Jim Rutenberg And Monica Davey New York Times News Service 8:40 AM CDT, September 11, 2008 Two weeks ago, People magazine was granted an exclusive
  13. http://www.mahalo.com/Lucy_Q._Denett That may be her, but it was all I could find on short notice so it's possible it is not her.
  14. For me this news is eh... I thought ghost busters I was OK, nothing great, nothing horrible. GBII - total shite. I don't know why they do this other than $$. Of course every picture is made to make $$ otherwise no invests in it, but to me that appears to be the sole reason and it's not good enough.
  15. Zero tolerance plays well to the masses, but in practice it allows for shite like this to occur. My daughter can't have any aspirin or ibuprofin on her posession at school because of zero tolerance, even though she may need one or the other for her aching knees. It's like the three strikes rules, sounds good, but it really binds the hands of the judges and courts when it comes up and they put a person away for life. Thhey have to have room for practical judgement. Only the ten commandments
  16. A-man I was just getting ready to post this link http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/11/washingt...amp;oref=slogin when I saw your story. Thhis is the sort of stuff that has to go. These people have all kinds of excuses and all kinds of rationale for doing what they did, but the truth is rules are rules and they knowingly broke those rules. I work with the IRS daily and to even go to lunch with me (2x in ten years) they have to go up their chain of command to get permission. These people working in the royalty area to my mind simply abused their positions because they wanted to and did not th
  17. While not on my desert island list, it is a great album top to bottom, probably my favorite next to "If you want blood..." I am really hoping to see them this tour with my kids. I saw them a long time ago (BIB) and it was definately a fun time.
  18. Nope, just misreadd the quote. and my statement still stand what witty swipe? If they are referring to the lipstick ona pig quote they are still dead wrong. I know you know it and anyone who has even a modicrum of critical thinking ability knows it.
  19. What witty swipe? (fixed it for you) If you are referring to the pig/lipstick quote then you are wrong about it being a pett swipe. All senators have reocrds, we can confrim inn fact that McCain has supported the trainwreck known as bush 90+% of the time including but not limited to voting to make torture legal in our country. Voting for the bill was and is the right thing to do. Perverting the mening and intent of the law is the republican way, and they are doing their best to cluoud the truth. Of course if the republicans had their way children would learn about improper touchin
  20. His voting for the bill is irrelevant, what is relevant is the perverted way the republican party is twisiting the meaning of the bill and how Obama himself has talked about the bill. But whever said that the striaght talk express was actually about striaght talking? This line of argument/campaigning from the republicans is one reason I left the party, geroge W bush was the other.
  21. From the SUntimes: In the new McCain spot, an announcer says "Obama's one accomplishment? Legislation to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners. Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family." The facts: 1. The bill was not Obama's. The sponsors were Democrats Carol Ronen, M. Maggie Crotty, Susan Garrett , Iris Y. Martinez and Jeffrey M. Schoenberg 2. The measure never passed. 3. The legislation in several places said all sex ed had to be "age and developmentally appropriate." Obama backed teaching youngsters about inappr
  22. And I find your feigned outrage to be completly bogus. It's OK to pretend that this is not a strategy when republican strategists freely admit that they use the southern strategy, and when Rove used racial attacks against McCain in 2000, and that rove's boys are running McCains show now. Nope look the other way and deny deny deny. Yep that's it I'm voting for him because he's black and so am I. Never mind the last eight years of republican ruin in washington, their steallar record of ruiniing the country has never crossed my mind. That has nothing to do with how I am voting. Not a
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