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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. You know that may be how you feel, but where I live (farm country) it is very important that the man be the "bread winner" My brother in law fully believes that and absolutely discounts his wifes job as irrelevant. That being said to these same people it is far more important that the candidate have an R next to their name than any other issue. Exact response I was 'specting.
  2. I find it both funny and troubling that he will not define how he defines honor.
  3. Duh, all she has to do is ask DIck Cheney, the VP Runss the damned country! It all depends. I have no clue as to what sort of duties she has as gov. Way back in 2000 people touted Bush as being qualified for being Gov of a large state, but they neglected to mention that the Gov of TX has very little power within his own state. Especially when compared to governor of say California, Illlinois or Pennsylvania. But also remember that prior to being gov her experience was all within the city council and as mayor of a town with 5500 people. Imagine the headlines if Obama or any democrat
  4. I see what you mean. Cheany had what, 4 by pass surguries prior to the 2000 election, and it scared me to think that we were one hheart attack away from Bush running things all by himself.
  5. Manhands and hairy arms. Manhands on women are very common down here in Amish country.
  6. Without taking the time to read this whole discussion about FEMA /Katrina you do have to admit that FEMA performed beautifully in FLA in 2004 shortly before the elections. Prepositioned qequipment, rapid response etc... Quite the oposite of how they responded in N.O. after Katrina. Though Katrina did not happen in an election year either.
  7. All political conventions look like that when empty. Mile High Stadiums looks like that right now. Democrats point out how republican policy disproportionately benefit the wealthy. If that is conducting class warefare, then so be it. But all in alll I don't think the democrats have nything even remotely close to the southern strategy that has worked so well for republicans for 40+ years now. The other day I was wondering if the administration was ratcheting up the tension to beenfit the republican ticket. I hadn't thought about them pushing for direct confrontation to do so. B
  8. Stewart was not disingenuous he was expressing sarcasim. But the main difference is that most of the reputable networks hire these people as analysts and they analyse. They may slant it one way or the other, but they analyze and give insight. Rove is working for Fox in full on campaign mode, he always will be. His analysis is always bent on tearing down one side and buidling up the other. It's the only way he knows how to to do it. As to your latest "don't lump me or conservatives in with Bush" sentiment, it has to be that way because that is the way it is being sold. It is the way t
  9. Whatever, Rove woudl definately spin it negative I have no doubts. The other day ROve was ripping on Obama's experience or lack there of and howadding Biden to the ticket only goes to show how inexperienced Obama actually is. Roves counterpoint actually asked him about 2000 and how Bush's lack of experience was an issue, but Rove & co spun the selection of dirty dick and his experience as a counterbalance to Bush's inexperience and how that was a good thing, and mentioned that it might be the same situation. Rove's comment was that in Bush's case it was completely different and there is
  10. But do you think Sterwart is wrong in what he said? I don't I've always said that God could part the clouds monty python style and point out a democrat and anoint him and the right would turn it into a negative. I agree with Stewart 100%. Besides if McCain cured cancer I think Stephanopoulos would be far more fair than Rove. But while we are at it, don't forget to include analysts like, Matlin, Buchanan, Scarbourough etc... All of whom are more fair and thoughtful in their comments than Rove, who is a 1000% partisan hack through and through. Umm and about that stadium speech tonight. O
  11. IV or V? I love IV The man comes around is one of my all time favorite Cash songs. On V he sounds weary and drained...and he was. Buty if the Rubin nartrative is correct, and I have no reason to doubt it, the songs were recorded at the behest of JC.
  12. Rubin and his junk? Overproduction is exactly what I think of when I hear the Rubin/Cash albums //sarcasim off.
  13. I didn't know Johnny was still recording posthumously.
  14. You know I still remember way back in 2002 discussing this with my brother in law. And I suggested that we do something about the Saudi's since the majority of the bombers were saudi and it appears as though the Saudi government has created or allowed conditions to incubate in their country that gets these people fired up enough to attack us and others. He totally agreed with me about Saudi Arabia being the problem totally agreed that Iraq had nothing to do with 911 but still was in favor of attacking Iraq and doing nothing about Saudi Arabia. His reasoning was that Saudi Arabia are our fri
  15. To my way of thinking I think this is great for all involved. Rubin has an ear for music and does well by his clients. I used to like ZZ circa 76 - Deguello and he has reinvigorated the careers of "the elderly". I can't wait to hear how the key's sound under his tutelage. His work with Cash is wonderful, getting him to record modern rock songwriters and making them sound right at home next to traditional numbers, genius. As far as tainting Cash, Rubin can't release anything without the Cash family approving and he could not record a damned thing without Johnny actually sitting there in
  16. The circumstances of the song may not be populist in nature, but the message is defiantely populist. Heck i know people who pay no taxes who still bitch about taxes. It is a common denominator.
  17. The issue of Taxman can easily be claimed by conservatives as their issue a song written for them. But in reality the sentiments of Taxman are more populist in nature than they are conservative.
  18. Resevoir Dogs - the tip discussion and... the Steelers Wheel Stuck in the Middle scene.
  19. I love it in The Last Detail when Randy Quaid walks across the park and uses semaphore to spell out bye bye and takes off running.
  20. My daughter and I wantched it and I told her that if Obama wins, she might just be witnessing history with that speech. It was everything Obama backers have been waiting for.
  21. I don't expect employers to provide my health insurance. I pay via pretax deduction from my pay, adn I realize that I am paying maybe 20% of the premiums. However when shopping for a job i look at the total picture. depending on my wife's situation I can take a little lower pay to get health insurance. I ti is a cost of doing busines today (and has been for quite a while) I view my health insurance, 401-k, deferred comp plan etc...all as part of my compensation package. My employer views it the same way. So taking away the deduction takes away a compensation incentive. They can still o
  22. Interesting point. How far back do we reach for relationsships with people who want to illegally overthrow the government? Did you go back as far as the buisinessman's plot? Or is that too long ago? We all have our standards, some say they will never deal with terrorists and that there is no redeeming of terrorists, yet they turn around and praise sein fein and toss backa couple in their honor. It's all perspective.
  23. This guy is all over the web. Googling him turns up a bunch of stuff. If true his Wiki entry points to a person who has gone through twists and turns to get where he is today. And hints that this sort of interpretation might not be far fetched for him. David Benkof From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search David Benkof (born David Bianco in 1970) is an American journalist-entrepreneur. He was raised St. Louis, Missouri and then went to college at Stanford University, where he came out as gay his freshmen year. He served as the international president of United Synago
  24. Underrated? October? I just listened to it for the first time in 20+ years the other day and still found it to be a steamy pile. Most U2 sounds dated to me, very little of iit transcends the era it was made in, but for my ears October was bad then and was not ahead of it's time. It was just plain stinky.
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