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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. The whole His middle name is Hussein thing is getting old, it is obvious that they try to pin gult by association on Obama unfortunaltey the Association is simply a name. Hey now isn't John McCains name John? Wasn't John Gacy's name john as well as John Dillinger, John Wilkes Booth and isn't Jack a nickname for John so John McCain/John the ripper...jack the ripper/jack McCain. See how fing stupid that sounds? the whole Hussein thing sounds just as lame.
  2. Good post. McCain lost all my repect when it became obvious that he woudl sell his soul to win the election. A true maverick would not pander, yet every move Mccain makes is either pandering to the far right. or pandering to the voter who still think he is a mvericl He's neither a meverick anymore (though I think that was a media invenion) nor is he a member of the far right, he is simply living off one image and pandering to the other.
  3. OK where in the general public consiouseness has this occurred? Maybe a few idle rantings on message baords, but nothign organized likke the whole Obama/Muslim fakeness. And yes that was an organized mainstream deal as it was very powerfully pushed on Fox News and oother media outlets when it began, enough so that it is now as accepted by the right as the famous never occuring Al Gore "I invented the internet" quote.
  4. Questions are questions, regardless. If it were not this line of shit slinging they would think up another. Obama could have worked in a soup kitchen and served soup to a homless Charles Manson and the slant would be that he supported Charles Manson. It will always be soemthing. Though I'm curious to know exactly what made up stuff the democrats are using this election cycle? The Last Cycle? The one before that? Have they ever slandered and questioned the patriotism of McCain Or any other veteran that has run for office the way Kerry (John and Bob) and Max Cleland down in Georgia were
  5. I don't think Obama directly accused McCain of anything, He's talking abioiut republican operatives, the ROve type who permeate the republican party from top to bottom. Also the worst rumor I heard about the Palins were: that the tenage daughter was the mother of the youngest, that rumor was on internet boards such as this one, not from a legitimate source and the other was promulgated by McCains people themselves accusing the press of asking off the record for a paternity test. But they never said who did the asking. NNever once not a single name, all they had was a baseless accusation.
  6. Not only Saturday but also Clark was out most of the game and that could have also contributed to his performance. We as fans want to believe that these guys can step on the field and turn it on any time they want, but I think it showed that he was rusty. I was a little peeved with the announcers last night. They kept talkign abotu how normally manning makes them pay but tonight he's off while giving very little credit to the Bears defense which I think played pretty well considering who they were playing and how they had played in the pre-season.
  7. I will not seek, nor will I accept the position of economist. I'll stick to taxes.
  8. I'll add my simplistic oversimplification on the dot com bubble/burst...Warren Buffet got it right when he refrained from investing in tech stocks because he knew so little about the industry. The investment bankers were not so hesitant. They were willing to toss around billions hither and yon based on potential. Sad thing is the potential they based it on was pure speculation at the time they had no track record to gauge it on, thus they didn't treat it with traditional business model methods partially out of fear that someone else will get there first and partially, mainly out of ignoranc
  9. So you are saying that interest rates (FED) which hovered between 5 - 6% throughout the 1990's were too low and should have been higher to slow growth? OK that makes sense to an extent but when growth was in the shitter in the 2000's the rates dropped to spur the economy, which never really happened. The lower rates among other thngs allowed a lot of mortages to be written which otherwise would not have been written thus causing the housing bubble. Bubble being the difference between the market price of housiing and the actual value of the home. Soem here say Bush had nothing to do with al
  10. Could it be perhaps that BO has always been the way he is and that the times have driven Olbermann to where he is today? Case in point I had never ever voted democrat before the republican party nominated Bush for president in 2000. When they did that all I could think of were the many stories about him from the 1970's & 1980's and others frm his time as "facilitator for the rangers nnew stadium" and gov of TX and I always thought what an spoiled brat Ahole he was. I voted for Gore that election as much as against Bush. But I still voted generally for republicans. Then by 2002 I switc
  11. Heart is from the Northwest US Seatle/Washington state. I beliee in their early days they traveled up the road to Vancouver and such and did develop a little Canadiian identity, they they are definatly from the US.
  12. BillO is pure entertainment nothing more there is no substance to his show and he is not above creatign facts to suit his need (War on christmas anyone?) or outrage to suit his need. Olbermann is genuinely pissed about the state of our nation and calls out the likes of Billo and Rush etc... when they lie or misrepresent. I woudl hate Bill O regardless of who i was going to vote for the guy is a class A dick. I didn't watch the interview yet. I'm referring to Billo in a general sense of how his show works. Are you sure about that? Or are you speculating. Is Larry King going on annd
  13. I get the different impression from BillO. I think he interrupts and shouts does his antics, whatever they may be in order to 1) keep the opponant (because that is how he views his interviews) offf balance and not allow them to complete an answer he does not like, 2) to keep them off balance with a barrage of questions/antics so that he can slip in a question with no right anser and 3) to keep the pace of the show under his control so that the opponant can not get points out coherently. BillO is a shit bag and by granting him an interview Obama actully elevates the legitimacy of BillO.
  14. The democrats have been given a golden opportunity by the republicans. The Republicans keep talking about the need to change washington, so the democrats need to use those quotes and highlight the fact that the republicans have controlled the town for so long. Heck they might as well even highlight the partisaship and show how the republicans broke off from the capital hill softball league to form their own league.
  15. I'm not a dove at all, but I am for smart national defense, not for wars of adventure. I have never believed in adventurism with the military. But the whole notion of the terrorists steppping into the vaccuum is a republican/administration narrative that has been accepted as fact since day one. It is part of the whole "central front in the war on terror" argument. Truth is and always was that we were fightign primarily Iraqi factions and what was known as AlQueda Iraq was homegrowwn and not associated with AlQueda except in name only. Nope I think what happens when we leave is that the ci
  16. Actually I'm trying to move to Switzerland with my company. I've already talked to the right people about it and it will take a year or two to get there but it is the plan. So I'm on their side!
  17. That's why one of the first parts of my plan woudl be to review those contractor contracts and turn as much over the the Iraqii's as possible, That way they get a hand in rebuilding their country and it may actually get done. We pull back our military and strt moving them out immediately, keep a token force behind to protect advisors who advise the Iraqii's on how to rebuild their country. We pay for it, but let them do it, that way they have ownerhsip and the stuff may not get blo9wn up or destroyed simply because we built it. On top of that it will help the iraqii economy by pushing mone
  18. I think we will have to disagree on this one because I see McCains record of statements in support of staying In Iraq for the long long haul, I hear his VP candidate make bellicose statements about Iraq and in an interview McCain makes a comment about it, a hedged comment at that, I'll stick with my interpretation of his words and deeds.
  19. I agree that I simplify a complex thing, but to actually with draw the plan must start with the simple notion that it is tiime to leave. Formulating a plan to move half a million people (I'm assuming we will be on the tab for the contractors and any politcal refugees otherwise the figure is much lower) and equipment out of the country/region would be a huge undertaking, but it can be done. We have people in the military who are geniuses at moviing people and equipment from one place to another. One of the problems though, and I have thought this was a problem for 30 years now, is that our n
  20. But it is not at all a desire of his nor is it a goal. I believe any talk of withdrawl from McCain at this point is mere pandering.
  21. Between the two candidates only one is realistically expected to try and get us out of Iraq and refocused on AlQueda. So to turn issue so to speak we know McCain has no intention of ending Iraq. So whether Obama can make it happen or not he will at least try. And as things are turning out Bush and Maliki appear to be endorsing Obama's timelines for leaving. My point being that if leaving Iraq is a goal of the American people, then you have to have an executive wwho has that as his goal. It is the bare minimum fr starting the process.
  22. It's not that easy and would have to be done in stages. First stage woudl be develop a plan for endign it as I am sure noen currently exist. Second stage implement the plan. While this process is going on they should review all contractor costs and provide oversight on these nobid cost plus beasts that are sucking cash out of our system at a record pace, and start recovering some of that cash to be put to good use. Third audit those contractor both the IRS and the GAO to recover any cash lost to fraud and any unreported taxable income.
  23. You know right now Dirty Dick is over In Georgia rattling his Saber and I sure as hell don
  24. Thhat again is another Myth. Rudy did not do the great job he is credited with on 911. Sure he provided a steady presence on TV, but it was him who hhad the city's disaster reliief headquarters moved to the towers after they were bombed in 1993. Hardly stellar leadership. There is also the matter of the Kahane murder. Apparetnly they had some of the 1993 bombers in custody after the Kahane murder and they were freed under Rudy's watch. Freed and not surveiled. Talk about a Willie Horton moment.
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