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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I was wondering when an oblique "look at Clinton" reference was going to appear. Could this be a godwins law correllary? Eventually give time a politcal thread will bring up Bill Clintons BJ? Anyhow one situation is a man fooling around outside of marriage. He did not run for office on
  2. Young Bristol's judgement has nothing to do with the campaign. What shoudl be called into question is that right here we have a living breathign example that abstinence education only does not work because kids are still going to have sex. If an abstinence only parent still has a duaghter who ends up having sex and getting pregnant, then that bad policy needs to be exposed. As to her getting married, I sure hope she is doing it becasue she wants to and not to enhance her mothers politcal career. I for one do not believe in the notion that you "have to get married" I believe that they sho
  3. Listen now, he was a POW in Vietf'nNam for 5 1/2 years, you can't expect him to get out of prison and start making all the right decision can you? Being a POW while in the service of your country affords you the luxury of being able to screw up occasionally like with the S&L Scandal and still get a free pass.
  4. Umm turn on fox news for that. Exactly what stories are you referring to where the media is trying to tear down McCain & Palin? Stories where they ask a direct question and don't get an annswer so they ask it again and again? Or stories where they are trying to figure out who Palin is or what excatly? How about some concrete examples And terrorist fist bump - thanks fox news. On the first note many mothers do consider how that was handled to be very poor judgement on her part. As to the second perhaps they got the information about his affairs from John McCain himself an
  5. Who said the following... "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home." The head of the Alaska Independance party whom Sarah Palin stroked for vote support and the same party her husband belonged to until she ran for Gov. I'm not sure or not if Hubby was a founder or not but this is good stuff. Is it a reverand wright moment? Probably not as it's not interesting enough to pursue. Also I read quotes
  6. These things can not be fixed overnight, they have only had 4 years. Give them time.
  7. The last month of her pregnancy is not a policy issue, but it is an issue that resonates with women who, even those who are prochoice, are fiercely protective of their children. This is exactly the sort of story that will turn a certain number of women voters off instantly. So they have a tight rope to walk. Do they tell the story and try to sell it as a "see how tough she is" sort of thing and try to win voters that way, or do they hoope it dies and avoid riisking the alienation of many motherly types? Democrats don't need to push this one, it's already out there. From hhere it is all ab
  8. The right wing punditry was arguing that this Potential democrat VP or that one was wholly unqualified simply for lack of experience. Example being Tim Kaine; he
  9. The Maverick image is just that an image. It applies to McCain because in the past he has not been a 100% orthodox republican. I think since about 9/11/01 he has been toeing the party line fiarly well. Hell in my book Bush was more of a maverick than McCain. Why? Because for eight years he has been pursuing policy that is very far outside the mainstream. McCain used to just buck the Republicna party on occasion, Bush has been bucking the whole country consistently for eight years. The whole Bush/Beer thing was an invention of his campagin that they sold masterfully. MMost people woud
  10. It's new to me. I only point it out to show how a real mother a real voter thinks. My wife was intrigued by her but lost total respoect when she heard this. I am sure she is nto the only one. In the previous thread I pointed out that what she wants the democrats to not discuss she totes out on stage and wants praise for...she had the down syndrome baby even when she knew ahead of time and could have aborted. Bravo for her, now she wants her privacy as she totes her down syndrome child on stage at appearance after appearance, well she's makign it an issue open for discussion, but only
  11. The way I see the RNC up till today...POW, 911, Maverick. Today: POW 911 MAverick, Mommy. My wife heard a story and I have no clue as to its validity, she's not really a news person so it may be rumor. But the story is that with this last child Palin fleew away for a speaking engangement. Her water broke, but rather than go to the doctor she did her speech, flew home and then delivered. My wife now thinks Palin has serious judgemen issues in that she would fly in her 9th month (generally not allowed) that she did her speech (implying that it was more important than the babay) flew home
  12. Bush & co proved that one out. But why vote for people (Republicans) who believe governemnt does nto work? They simply make it a self fulfilling prophecy.
  13. In 1960 it is common belief that Illinois and thus the election were stolen for JFK. Go take a look at the electoral results for 1960 and switch Illinois 27 delegates and give them to Nixon and check to see if the results change. In 2000 the winner of Florida wins. In 2004 Ohio winner wins. In each case the election swings on one state where there are problems. Also go back and re-read about Illinois in 1960. The common misocnception is that Daley stole the state, but what is convieniently forgotten is that republican downstate Illinois had just as many irregualrities as the six county a
  14. Sure Olberman can be condescending very much so, but he speaks well, he is a verbal visual manifestation of the anger seething through this country right now. It's out there more than people realize. But Olberman will at least research and reference his talks with facts, and not make up shit like the worst person in the world life time achievement award winner BO. There is nothing wrong with American companies, or any companies for that matter, making profits honestly. But wen Halliburton 1) gets no bid contracts on a cost + basis from our government menaing you and me the taxpayer pay
  15. She is a very weak choice chosen mainly for image reasons, womanhunter,outdoors woman, perceived corruption fighter, pro-life etc... But thus far she has been unimpressive from them haveing to claim her foreign policy experience comes from sharing a border with Russia to being CIC of the Alaskan National Guard and trying to make it sound like shhe has been directing them in Iraq etc... Desperate stuff, weak stuff. Add on to that simple things like her nnot being sure whata vice president does to her thinking that the founding father wrote the Pldge of Allegiance. Obama is going to hew up a
  16. I know this guy who ran for statewide office. At every event he brought his family out on stage with him, he was family values guy and highlighted his family at every stop etc
  17. There is invariably someone who chimes in withing a coupel of minutes whenever a nazi reference is made. Six left leaning broadcasts vs one right leaning? CBS left leaning? Sure ok you get that one. Maybe MSNBC? Take away Olbermann and are they still what you think they are? ABC owned by Disney is left leaning? NBC with Brian Williams left Leaning? Fox right leaning? Fox makes no bones about it, there is no lean to them. They are firmly far right and make no bones about it, yet somehow you see them as left leaning? Very interesting. SImply reporting news that is not favorable
  18. That's not how I see it at all. The way I see it is Fox wants all news to be opinion and they want to shape the opinions of their viewers, they don't want their viewers to see or hear anything that has not been spun or is not being spun. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant, that is how they appear to me and to far more people than you realise. Who was the guy who said that the goal is to make all news opinion? Sure makes it easier to lead people down a chosen path whhen you present opinion as fact. It may or may not have been a Fox guy, but it is out there. That is defina
  19. Which is simply letting them see it unfiltered with commentary/interviews spliced in.
  20. WTF? I was just looking at the tv guide for tonight, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC all have the RNC on tap for tonight. SOme more than others, however FOX has nothing scheduled while Fox News has what appears to be their regular scheduled programs. I'm sure ORieley and Hannnity will focus on the protestors arrested and they are probably broadcasting from up there, but still whay don't they want to show their preferred party's convention? My Guess is that they don't twant their viewers to see it as it is, but would rather they see it through the dizzying spin only Fox can provide.
  21. I've not paid too much attention to the news this weekend, but have any of the majors talked about the raid on Firday last week in Minneapolis? The police raided a protestor center and detained and photographed the people there. From all I understand this place was simplya resource center/centralized meeting place and not at all worthy of he attention. The "anarchy" types, who despite what you may hear from the right wing punditry are not mainstream democrats, these guys would never openly meet/use obvious resources, so I can't quite figure out the reason for the raid?
  22. Relative to the whole picture it is. But there are people out there who complain about a $100,000 grant and make it out to be the end of civilization. Also how about $27million for a town of 6,500 people? Is that a drop in the bucket? Or is it excessive?
  23. No but they go about it with a special zeal that democrats can not (or maybe will not) emulate. Imagine if the reaction if Chelsea Clinton had been preggers at 17? Amy Carter? heck both of those girls were trash3ed incessantly by the right. Imagine the outcry if the democrats went after McCains military service the way the Bushies went after Kerry's? The reasoning back then was that Kerry had made that the centerpiece of his campaign, heck the way I see it that is the center piece of McCains campaign. Imagine the outcry if the democrats attacked McCain the way bush did in 2000? Right no
  24. Personally I love ACDC up to Back In Black. When For those ABout to Rock came out I sensed a huge drop off that they never climbed back from. I guess I like Bon.
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