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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I think he is tacitly admitting that prior to an election it is not a good thing to suggest raising taxes, especially when the economy is in the shitter. I guess you are correct, a crisis originating during an era of republican control of all three branchhes of government under regulations pushed through during that time period has to be the fault of democrats, not the regulations passed. But ok Bush controlled the white house correct? Republicans controlled both houses of congress correct? And frommt he tone of the article it seemed like republicans were on board with this correct? A
  2. A margin of one in each house of congress when combnined witha willing president is a nearly unbreakable majority. Especially when at the time republican chairs were shutting democrats out on providig input into many bills. But in the longrun majority = majority, whether by one or by 21. I don't believe that there has been any ccooking of the books here, that was 2000 - 2002 or so. I think this has all been brought about by the republican party's second favorite topic - deregualtion. The breaking down of the barriers between the various financial institutions, the products that the b
  3. I got the joke, apparently mine was not quite up to par. The only evidence they have is that he does not adhere to conservative principles. Anyone who runs against conservatives ultimately gets labeled "marxist" "socialist" "most Liberal" etc... emeber with Conservatives today it is black of white, with us or against us so you are either with them or so far left that they can't even see you, regardless of your true policy advocacy and phillosophy. The funny thing about the fannie/freddie issue is that it did not simply arise this year, it simply reached crisis proportions. The iss
  4. Good comeback, thoughtfull well written, coherent and it express you fully. At lleast that person knows they didn't vote the screw up the country.
  5. Way back in WWII days, since republicans like to bring every perceived threat back to Munich 1938, when the war started millions of young men went down to the local recruiters office voluntarily, they didn
  6. Yep both were, but also remamber that democrats in the south are fairly conservative comapred to the rest of the country and if I am not mistaken Nagin endorsed Bush for president. SO party may have been democrat but Ideology wasd definately not far left liberal as they have been portrayed.
  7. Unfortunately beyond our borders people tend to identify the government annd the people as being one and the same especialy since the government is so visible doing what they do. I find very few democrats who argue agains this point. I would even go so far as to say that katriian was even partiallya failure of the citizens of New Orleans too. What I do find is that very few republicans will admit that thhe adminsitration gutted FEMA and through the actions of the administration, the federal response was slow and inadequate and to date has not improved. I look to see Galveston being r
  8. That may be a second prong of our non-military assautl on China. First give them our debt, second our processed food, then the ultimate weapon to destroy their will to resist...Hasselhoff.
  9. I think China will do OK with food as they have managed to get by for several thousand years now. Since when Al Gore said he was instrumental in getting funding for the internet it turned into a republican joke that he said he invented the internets. Do we get to hammer McCain for this... (From the Politico) Asked what work John McCain did as Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee that helped him understand the financial markets, the candidate's top economic adviser wielded visual evidence: his BlackBerry. "He did this," Douglas Holtz-Eakin told reporters this morning, holding up
  10. As a bears fan I find it painful to watch the lions. They have never been great in my lifetime, but never as bad as they have been for so long. I for one have never understood the hiring of Millen, and with his performance over the years I can not understand why they have not fired him yet. He has to have really incriminating photo's of someone doig something bad in order to keep his job for so long.
  11. One of my buddies wennt about 20 years ago. But I think he winged it more than planned it.
  12. I didn't realize it was a joke. I thought Waters may have really apologized and I missed it.
  13. I'm not a huge Metallica fan, but these guys are about as far from this comment as they can be. They "clicked" in the 1980's with no airplay, not a lot of marketing support while playing a brand of music that was not in flavor. They built their fan base the old fashioned way, they toured and toured and toured while sales of their albums slowly grew and grew until the albums were selling millions. They definately did not exploit the "angst" atmosphere of the 1990's as you seem to think.
  14. It does have a wall of sound feel to it, with everything up front. Even the subtle parts are right there in your face. I do find the inclusion of a ten minute instrumental to be a tad bit confusing. It really does not sound too much diferent than the other cuts. Seems like they could have stripped vocals off any track and had the same thing, or conversely added vocals to this track and had a song. I do like the instrumental trck, but it seems out of place to me. But I still like the overall album better then anything they have done in 15 years.
  15. I beg to differ, AQ definately wants an american presence that looks permanent. It helps their cause immensly. On a separate note...Oprah. Is it fair that she does not inteview Palin? Republican women seem to think it is Oprahs duty to have her on. Especially since Obama has been on twice. But she has had Obam on in 2005 & 2006 before he was a candidate. Palin is the VP candidate, so shouldn't these people be pushing her to have McCain on? All in all I think the argument these women put forth is f&*%ing stupid, and they act as though the American Public is full of non-thinking
  16. I'll listen for this the second time through. Generally though isn't this a problem across the board these days not just metallica? True enough.
  17. Each album has a distinctive flavor to it, yet has a sense of commonality with the others. For me right now I listen to Because... the most becuse is just resonates with me more than the others. They all have a "smokey flavor" to them for lack of a better term, that I like.
  18. It's not bad. I've only listened to it once through, but for what it is I have no complaints. Generally though aren't most metal lyrics cringe inducing?
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