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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. McCain has just realized that he is going to get creamed and he will not have Palin to hide behind. The country will see him for what he is: an angry tempermental old man vacant of any ideas. Othher than how they have been seeing him...as the guy next to Palin who happens to be the worlds biggest celebrity.
  2. He has never expressed desire to be a dictator, and I'm suure his followers would not support him if he tried, then again... "You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier." Describing what it's like to be governor of Texas.(Governing Magazine 7/98) -- From Paul Begala's "Is Our Children Learning?" "I told all four that there are going to be some times where we don't agree with each other, but that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked. -- CNN.com, December 18, 2000 "A dictatorshi
  3. Geographic Distribution of U.S. Military Personnel (AD)a Total Number on Active Duty 1,381,401 United States and Territories b 1,092,586 Europe and Former Soviet Union b 97,658 East Asia and Pacific b 78,369 Africa, Near East, and South Asia b 8,254 Western Hemisphere (excluding USA) 2,112 Undistributed b 102,422 Source: DOD, Worldwide Manpower Distribution by Geographical Area, June 30, 2006 Notes: aComparable data not available for Reserve Components; however, on Jan.24, 2007, there were 91,344 RC personnel called to Active Duty (OASD-RA). bIncluded are those assigned AD troops now deploye
  4. These numbers are all low when you consider the support troops needed to round out the formations.
  5. It is a sin, just not one of the ten big ones. It's right there in the levitical codes right along side masturbation, eating shellfish, eating pork and an almost unnavigable set of rules for women and their periods.
  6. Don't forget election year politics. DOMA was passed in late September during an election year. Of course it is going to pass overwhelmingly. It's controversial, and if you vote against it you will get eaten alive by your political opponants right when you don't want them to be gaining an advantage. The current "bailout" hhas the same taint to it. But the democrats are not going to do it unless the GOP is on board, and in the long run they are not going to do it because it violates their supposed principles.
  7. That would only apply here in the states, elswhere int he world men push their boys to play soccer.
  8. This is good news for detroit. Especially since Ford Jr. said he was unable to fire Millen. About time.
  9. Exactly, but he does not see that. Anyhow anyone notice how the right wingers when complaining about the bail out use paulsons name freely but not Bush? They keep saying Washington wants... The implication they want to sell is that congress wants the cash. But it is Bush and his administration but they can not bring themselves to say so.
  10. My brother in law (one of the die hard 30%) velieves Bono is a comitted conservative since he has met with Bush several times.
  11. He almost looks phtoshopped into the picture. He is so bright and everything else in the photo is darker, even in the foreground. They also need to start attackign that whole "McCain has more foreign policy experience" line. I don't argue that he does, but the quality of that foreign policy experience is sub standard. Especially in the last eight years, hheck, in the last eight weeks. McCain's annswer to the foreign policy issues facing us right now do not sound any different than Bush's answers...other than the fact that Bush has no answers and seems to be invisible, probably unitl Nove
  12. Culture of death? You mean as in the lefts penchant for invading innocent countries and killing at every turn? Or the left's saber rattling at Russia, Iran, Syria & Korea (and france for that matter)? Or the left's culture of death supporting the death penalty? Or perhaps you mean the culture of death where they shepard you into life then promply abandon you, unless of course you really are dying then they do all in their power to keep you alive in spite of any wishes you may have had? I wish anyone could explain it to me. If GWB had abandoned the PNAC/Neocon desire to physical
  13. Pretty sweet for the bankers. Sadly once again the administration wants a blank check with no accountability. Have they worked out at what basis the buys will be made? Market basis or book? I have a feeling that the no-accountability is so they can buy the assets at book basis and stave off some of the losses that these firms are going to be facing. For instance if they hold mortgage backed bonds that cost them $1billion and the property supporting those mortgages is only worth $500mil. Do we buy at $1bil or $500mil? If it is not the lower price then the taxpayer is getting screwed in a
  14. Dear Mr President - Pink "Dear Mr. President" (feat. Indigo Girls) Dear Mr. President, Come take a walk with me. Let's pretend we're just two people and You're not better than me. I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly. What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street? Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you proud? How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye? How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the e
  15. But they seem to be twins so what on earth could they fight about? Maybe who is more extreme than the other?
  16. There is a guy who works for a local company who is well known for his frugality. He has determiend that for his vehicle the optimum gas mileage is obtained around 45 mph so that is what he drives whenever he can, interstate, local roads regardless of the speed limit.
  17. He's only three years behind the rest of us then. But I guarantee you if push came to shove BO would defend Bush policies tooth and nail if faced with a democrat criticizing them.
  18. The president is going to ask congress for $700 billion for more bailouts. Are we facing a financial "China Syndrome"? Will our financial markets melt down and eventually all we will see will be a financial hole with China at the other end?
  19. I get the years mixed up and I studied them enough for the CPA exam that I should know them by heart. They are still law, but all the crap passed in the last couple decades that weaken them need to be rescinded so that the acts have their full force again.
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