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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I agree it is an ugly bill. The whole crisis and the reaction to it hhas nto been well thought out. $700b with no thought as to what the actual need is? The public knows this figure was pulled out of the air and yet congress and the WHite House refuse to quantify it at all. BTW the democrats delivered their veto proof figure. The republicans were way short on their promised numbers. Hennce the vote against it was not really bi-partisan, it was highly partisan. Which makes it all the more unusual since republicans seemed to be the ones driving the process (Bush, Boehner (a dick and a hal
  2. Reactions: Obama says a bill will be crafted. McCain blames Obama and the democrats for playing partisan politics with the bill. Peolsi says the bill never would have been brought to the floor if it was known that the republicans could not deliver their votes which apparently were promised when the negotiations were completed. Hmmm who pulled the ball out when Charlie Brown tried to kick it? Initial thoughts on this are that the republicans trashed the bill and their comments make it sound like they intended to all along. Seems like they are trying to help McCain by playing partisan poli
  3. That was a joke because Plant gave Page so much crap for working with Coverdale and obvious page wannabe
  4. Now you seem to be willing to toss aside the whole last week in order to make a nothing point. People from both sides of the aisle have said that they will only support it if it is a bipartisan bill supported by both candidates and both parties. Since the bipartisan deal was negotiated last week and was scuttled when McCain came to town (Makes you wonder if one side bargained in good faith? Or simply in a manner to blind side the other party?) a new bipartisan deal was negotiated (without input from the candidates) and scuttled mainly by the right. Your pithy comment is designed to toss sh
  5. SNL has ALWAYS been one-sided when portraying political figures, from Dan Akroyd
  6. How is this obvious? I've thought that for years now.
  7. The sad thing about all of this is that they used some of Palin's actual answers for the skit and they were funnier than the stuff written for it. As to Obama they guy they have playing him is weak, but also as more than one person has noted, his character, his demeanor do not lend themselves to parody as much as McCains does. Palin is in a class all by herself on this one.
  8. Time to get David Coverdale on board.
  9. Can't help it can you? Are you so far to the right that you can't see the center anymore. So anyone who is not in agreement with you must be far to the left so far as to be socialist or marxist? Can I assume the same of you that you are so far out of the mainstream, so far to the right that you are...a national socialist? I don't make that assumption, but using your methodology for labeling, that must be the case. Were you to think in terms of reality you would recognize that there are gradiations all along the spectrum from Nazi to Marxist and that only the extremes hold those labels and
  10. This is the typical response of many on the right, if it's not our way then you must be for the most extreme opposite of what I beleive, there is no middle ground apparently. Heck even McCain tried to find middle ground last week by talking with umm zero democrats about the finnacial crisis fix.
  11. It's Dallas, those people bitched about everything after they lost in the playoffs.
  12. They should have learned alesson fromt he balkins. 70 years after these various peoples were tossed together as a country and then had that goverment removed they took all the old prejudices and hatred out on each other. Heck one group was talking about the massacre at the field of the balckbirds which occurred in the 1300's. So whatever we achieve in Iraq even if we leave it totally peaceful may be torn asunder once our "moderating" presence is removed.
  13. Ijust introduced my daughter to him through the Sting. Very sad. I think I'll watch Cool Hand Luke tonight.
  14. McCain is blinking his eyes more than Bush could ever have imagined blinking. It's dizzying.
  15. If he pulls off his jacket and is wearing a "Maverickocity" t-shirt underneath I'll vote for him...that's the only way I'll vote for him.
  16. No oprah is an example of how the media (talk shows, radio talk shows etc...) these days guides their viewers/listeners towards the desired answer. Not awhol elot of objectivity just guiding towards the destination. Another great example of this is Nancy Grace who i feel is a horrible human being, but she gets ratings because she leads sheep to the grass. I just watched the Couric interview and the segment where Palin talks about Russia reminds me so much of Nigel Tuffnel talking about his ams going to Eleven or about how he would be a habbidasher if he were not a musician. She seems to
  17. But did people criticiae him at the time? Or was it more a matter of criticizing her? Democrats criticized her and him, but it seems like the criticism at the time was not directed at him. Splitting hairs I guess. I said then and I stills ay she was just a ruse to get bopth sides crazy eyed to the point where almost anyone with proper qualifications woudl be acceptable. Nominating scalito right from the get go might have made his confirmation process much more difficult had he not thrwon Meirs to the wolves first.
  18. it's why right wing talk radio and fox news and talk shows like oprah are so popular right now. Why think when these outlets will tell you how to think or at the very minimum direct you towards the answer they want you to arrive at.
  19. I fully agree but those are exactly the people FOx news is playing to when they talk about Obama's Muslim religion/upbringing or the terrorist fist bump. It is those people Rush is playign to when he talks about Obama's Arab-African background when Rush knows darn well what Obama's heritage and background are. They know the truth but they allude to these other issues to let you know that Obama is not like you, he's like them.
  20. The right wing media machine has for years been attacking professors on college campuses, for years they have been attacking the "ivy league elitists" even as they elect their own. They have in the last thirty years spent an inordiante amount of time harping on people who think too much etc... They sell their candidates as being like you and me (Wanna drinka bear with Bush? Sara's a hockey mom...ring a bell?) It's just the way it is. Near last or not, what university is more elite than one of the service academy's? None that I can think of.
  21. The downside is that he would PO the so called "Values voters" whom he was trying to suck up to by including Palin. And the right seems to disdain smart people so he would have to be careful about who he brought on board to be the smart one on the ticket.
  22. Classic. Trade mark that puppy and put it on T-shirts I personally dont't think Palin will bow out. It's too late and this is the best chance she wiill ever have of becoming president. She may not be the brightest but she's sarah barracuda/snark off. Any how I didn't think it was possible but she makes Michelle Bachman from MN look like a freakeing genius. As to the debates? I have no idea why McCain was waffling, he's already won... http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/20...ins_debate.html
  23. Those same people live up here. My daughter went ot see the golden compass and invited a friend who told her she couldn't go because the movie was evil. Another was not allowed to read Harry Potter because of the witch craft & stuff, yet reads the Stephanie Meyers vampire books. A mom used the article about Harry Potter that appeared in the Onion as her basis for not allowing her kids to read it. Crazy people. And for the most part the same people who fear Obama because he is a muslim/anti-christ.
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