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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. It's as simple as this I like what I like because I like it. SOme I like for songwriting, some for overall sound/emotion some for muscianship. I may love a band today tolerate them tomorrrow and love them again by monday based on my moods. But over time generally stuff sticks with me.
  2. They need to re-estabish the 32 and 33 acts and enforce them as they were written. The deregualtion of our banking/financial markets does not work and has not worked deregualtion has failed 2x now (80's & now) Time to go back to the basics.. In a democracy we would get to make the rules all would have a say. Imagine the input of 300 million voters? Nope we live in a republic where the voters elect representatives to listen to the voters and act accordingly.
  3. Today was hard I played at 5:30am and noon. This woudl have been easy when I was 20, but I'm approaching 50 so it is very tiring.
  4. But like the whole she hates earmarks thing, they keep repeating it and the less curious voters out there will take it to be true and possibbly vote accordingly. Heck there is a guy here, he has a degree, works in a professional capacity, values learning and is a big fan of critical thinking and scepticism and he repeats the Russia line. COme to think of it the one thing he refuses to use critical thinking or scepticism on are the talkign points of the republicans. He still thinks Bush is doing a good job, or at least says he thinks that.
  5. I was thinking over lunch and like the "Bush is the guy most peopel would like to have a beer with" the whole Sarah Palin knows more about energy than anyone in the country line is begining tomake me sick. 1) it's not true. We have energy traders here in our compnaay who have already forgotton more about energy than Sara Palin will ever know. If sahe knew so GD much about energy Conoco, Shell, Exxon etc... woudl all have come callign long ago. If she knew more than anyone in the country about energy then she woudl be the person the news organizations would have been consulting rather than
  6. I don't see many sitckers for anyone right now. Mostly old W'04 stickers. I see one McCain sign up down the street from me. The sign is so close to the house as to be almost un noticable. My secretary has a McCain coffee mug. She is the perfect example of some one who will vote against her own best interests because of the lack of interest in separatign fact from fiction. Before the '04 election I had a whole slew of signs up in my yard. I have a good location, people woudl ask and If I liked the candidate and I liked the requestor I would let them put up the sign. It was republica
  7. I have no clue as to his musical skill, but he defiantely had a more adventerous musical pallette than the rest of the guys.
  8. I agree about the price of concerts. I generally don't go to any shows larger than club show because the value is no longer there for me. Even for bands I love. It appears that their more accessable music is not being accessed by their fans as much. Figure if Load was not the follow up to Black, then it might have sold a lot less than it did. To me though it looks like lots of long time fins abandoned the band in the 1990's & new millenium. Album (Year Released) Millions sold Month Certified Metallica (1991) 14 December 2003 ...And Justice For All (1988
  9. If technical skill were the driving force I would never have even considered listening to the replacements or crazy horse, yet both are among my all-time favorites. The whole skill on their instruments argument has been elusive to me for years. I like what I like regardless of the skill with which it is played,.
  10. The money they make is what we the fans are willing to pay them. If they fill the seats and rotate product through the bins they make more money. Same thing for athletes. While I do believe that in each sport there are only a handful of athletes who do draw fans (Michael Jordan, Tiger, Kobe, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Sammy when he played etc
  11. You obviously have not been in a mens locker room lately.
  12. You've been sayign that since the begining, but it is more and more evident each day. I think though that they are actually running her for president though. She provides more than jsut cover from the cops she is the campaign, she is the coors now.
  13. I think boths candidates are for personal responsibilty in this area. McCain because he's against any governemnt regualtion of your personal life (except where politcally convienient) and Obama, because the topic is just gross.
  14. Is it just me or does it seem as if the McCain campaing is now runing Palin for president? Seems like every stop they make, every speech they make, everything has a focus on her and not so much on him.
  15. My last word on the subject of the financial meltdown, but not my last word on three ply...from the WAPO... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...1603732_pf.html In 2002, McCain introduced a bill to deregulate the broadband Internet market, warning that "the potential for government interference with market forces is not limited to federal regulation." Three years earlier, McCain had joined with other Republicans to push through landmark legislation sponsored by then-Sen. Phil Gramm (Tex.), who is now an economic adviser to his campaign. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act aimed to make the
  16. Don't they always tell us that we need more fiber?
  17. You know why are we arguing abotu the financial meltdown of the united states when we have good news to talk about? Good news like this... Toilet-paper researchers create 3-ply tissue Tue Sep 16, 7:36 PM ET If two-ply toilet paper is good, then three-ply tissue must be better. At least that's what toilet-paper researchers in northeastern Wisconsin hope. Yes, there is such a thing as a toilet-paper researcher. And a team of them at Georgia Pacific's Innovation Institute in Neenah has come up with a three-ply version of its Quilted Northern product. The new product will be launche
  18. See this is a point where we just have to acknowledge that we will be disagreeing, because I see this as being the fault of those who pushed for and passed deregualtion and the enron bill.
  19. Democrats don't need to be in the white house to get the blame for anything.
  20. And I am looking at it from a perspective of the republicans pet love of removing or weakening regulation. In the long run you will find that regardless of who was running the organizations, that it was the lack of oversite, the weakening of regulations of all financial institutions that is causing this downfall. You are simply looking at Freddie/Fannie and asigning blame. I'm looking at the bigger picture of the whole mortgage industry of which fannie/freddie just happen to be the largest piece. But regulation of the whole financial industry has been suffciently weakened to the point whe
  21. While perusing the congressional record I did see quite a bit of discussion on limiting the compensation of Freddie/Fannie officials around 2003/2004 but it dried up pretty quickly. The cynic in me might think that the management changed to someone more policitically palletable to the steards of congress. Anyhow since i know how much republicans prize education and learning, here is an article written by a nobel prize winnniing economic professor... Commentary: How to prevent the next Wall Street crisis Story Highlights Joseph Stiglitz: Fed pumped too much money, aiding housing bubble
  22. So you are saying that republicans recognized that fannie/freddie were driving at high speed into a wall, they had control of the wheel, and they did...nothing. Interesting. Also do you note that a law similar to the 2003 proposal passed a couple of weeks ago? Similar in that it put fannie/freddie under the control of one agency. Ultimately though we know the annswer...even though republicans re-wrote the regulations for financial institutions in the 1990's it is till the democrats fault.
  23. Well we know that whatever the origins it is ultimately Clintons fault democrats fault FDR whomever you choose, anyone but the people in charge. Slight majorities in congress when congress and the president are on the same page mean legislation gets passed, even bad legislation. Since you obviously don't know the history of this proposed bill, I'll go look it up and get back to you. BTW my cynical view on this bill is that the small government republicans sought to create a new agency in order to step over and put Clinton era appointees under republican control. That was the true purpose.
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