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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Spam? This calls for a Monty Python moment... Man: You sit here, dear. Wife: All right. Man: Morning! Waitress: Morning! Man: Well, what've you got? Waitress: Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam; spam sausage spam spam bacon spam tomato and spam; Vikings: Spam spam spam spam... Waitress: ...spam spam spam egg and spam; spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam... Vikings: Spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Waitress: ...or Lobster
  2. I got nothing. It was raining and almost impossible to find parking nearby so we just cruised by the store.
  3. Is your golden rule do uto others as they have done unto you? Or is it do unto others as you would have them do unto you? If it is the former, than torture killig civillians etc... are all good, if it is the later, then there is no justification for torture. Some might say no justification for war either, but you can justify it as self defense of your self or others. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  4. I guess you are right building stuff and making engineering gains for the sake of national pride or simply because you can is pretty much the same as building things as an FU to others. You win zzzzzzz.
  5. I got a well known CD from someone I knew in the press who was given a copy from somone else in the press who got their copy from the band for an advance review and because the writer was very tight with the band.
  6. I'm talking about the attitude surrounding why we should rebuild bigger than everyone else. I fully understand the notion of competing for bragging rights when it comes to engineering projects. The attitude I get from people, the people on the streets is not one of competitiveness and bragging rights but more of an FU to the Arabs and anyone else in our way. Big difference.
  7. they are fishing for a new marketing approach and trying to find a label that sticks. I know about the program and how we used it to develop our own program. SERE training is not for every one. It's only for pilots and special ops types who might someday be behind enemy lines. The mere fact that we have done it to our own troops is moot. We have done it to our troops so they have an idea what they will possibly be facing once captured. The program was not developed as an excuse to torture others simply because some of our troops have gone through it. On top of that the program w
  8. But I think even at the height of the Abu Grahib days when this stuff was on the news quite a bit the population was more concerned that ms England looked like a little boy and was preggers. From the people, and granted I live in a very conservative part of Illinois, the thoughts were more along the lines of
  9. This is the WWE nature of what the US has become.
  10. Generally Americans do not care as much about this as they should. Had this stuff been done to our troops we would be outraged, however we are doing it to others so it
  11. I know people here generally don
  12. A day in the life? Should have been my first thought. Whoops - Missed it up there.
  13. A while back I had mentioned that people in Texas whom I knew felt that Texas could leave the union at any time they choose because they were an independent country before they joined. Of course I was pooh-poohed by people who never heard any such utterances. Yesterday Governor Perry said the following which is exactly what people were telling me when I lived in Texas in 83/84
  14. The Killing of Georgie - Rod Stewart Feel the Benefit - 10cc
  15. You chide him for quoting the journal, yet you seem to be parroting the Michelle Bachmann argument that Obama is trying to institute a rodl wide currency. What's the evidence? If any of it comes from that batsh*t crazy Bachman, well that has all been debunked. Debunked in thhe real world even though fox kept pushing this notion. Does it come from a random quote from China about a new standard currency? What is the reason for the hysteria?
  16. so should I change my vacation plans?
  17. Things are almost always more black and white while running a campaign. They have to be so you can give the voters a clear choice. However once you have your position that black and white had better be tossed out the window and you better think and be more rational in your decision making process. Of course right now people are expecting Obama to act on everything he promised and act now. I would rather that they take their time and put a little analysis and thoughtfullness into the decision making process and come to the correct decision rather than making rash changes and find out later
  18. His voice is definately an acquired taste. But the music behind it is really good stuff.
  19. I only know Lambchop well out of those. The Albums I have in order that I like them are: Nixon Tools In The Dryer: A Rarities Compilation Aw C'mon No, You C'mon - These two (Aw, & No) are essentially the same album in my view. How I Quit Smoking Is a Woman - This one is very very low Key Damaged What Another Man Spills The Decline of Western Civilization Vol 2: The Wooodwind Years Hank I am sure some would rank these way differently than I have. But each has its own character so each appeals to a different set of listening parameters.
  20. Is "It" the singer or the song? Both?
  21. with the critical praise these guys are getting, does anyone think Caress of Steel or 2112 would get better reviews today than they did 30+ years ago? Fantasy induced lyrics, progresssive metal like rock music?
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