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Everything posted by ikol

  1. What if someone wanting to buy alcohol doesn't have an ID or can't find it on the day of imbibing? Besides, maybe said voter is a community organizer voting under the identity of a dead person.
  2. I've never eaten tree rat, but I'd be willing to try it.
  3. I only care who the guy from Everclear says I should vote for, so I know to vote for the other guy.
  4. If you registered through ACORN, your vote may even count more than once. But if you are left of center and support Obama, you are balanced? I get that you think your opinions are correct, but to suggest that they are somehow more balanced than someone's on the other end of the spectrum is wrong. I'm pretty sure that no one here has asked for any assassinations. Just another pregnancy conspiracy theory centered on Palin.
  5. There's an issue on which we can agree! I have to admit, we are amazing.
  6. And he got yet another Time Magazine front cover.
  7. That's what you took from a quote where I called her dumb and said she shouldn't be VP? I guess I went too far by saying that she wasn't a fascist.
  8. Did you use Mussolini just to avoid using Hitler? I hate to have to point this out, but Sarah Palin isn't quite as bad as Mussolini. Yeah, she's a little dumb and probably shouldn't be Vice President, but she is no fascist. And again, it's not like Obama is sweeping his family under the rug. I would not condone a crowd booing him and his family either. Or that there are a lot of jerks out there who can't just agree to disagree, which is what my point has been all along.
  9. So you're only supposed to be kind and compassionate to people that you like? That must be difficult. And again, her kids did not ask for any of this. The crowd could maybe show a little discretion and live up to Obama's standard. It's not like McCain is going to win because a hockey crowd refrained from booing Palin.
  10. Yeah, because clearly the crowd could not control their behavior. If Obama is really the great statesman that he's made out to be, those people don't deserve him as their President because he clearly doesn't represent them. It's comforting to know that all the great musicians supporting Democrats are at least balanced out by bands like Everclear. What politician hasn't used his or her family as a political tool? It's not like Obama is sweeping his family under the rug. I just don't see what is gained by booing someone like that other than showing how undignified you are. Democrats
  11. Oh, well then by all means boo her. Who ever said we should disagree without being disagreeable?
  12. They could just not vote for her. Booing her while she's there with her kids is kind of mean.
  13. Buy Early Get Now has a really good deal for the preorder. I'm listening to the stream right now.
  14. How about 4 more years of Bush? And you need to learn to spell.
  15. I think that Obama is not a terrorist and that those who think he is are idiots.
  16. Do you not think that part of the problem was that the government (through the Community Reinvestment Act) pressured banks to offer sub-prime loans? And weren't there a lot of Democrats like Barney Frank who were opposed to more oversight on Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and didn't think there was a problem?
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