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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Fair enough. If Obama uses that argument to point out the contradictions in McCain's message, then it might succeed. But if he argues that she's not ready for the job, then he's being hypocritical. I never really bought the whole lack of experience argument anyway. There's just nothing that can prepare you for the job of President (being a governor might be the closest, but it's 1/50 of the job), and there's definitely no evidence that having more experience in government makes a good President.
  2. I agree with the first paragraph, though for some reason Huckabee never seemed to be a serious contender for VP. I don't know much about Palin, so I don't know about the political suicide part. Obama can't really criticize her for lack of experience and be taken seriously. I don't really know the conversion formula, but 4 years as a Senator can't be considered much better than 2 as a governor.
  3. You felt more comfortable with Cheney running things?
  4. She's not Romney, for which we can all be thankful.
  5. But that sentiment is also being sold by liberals to get true conservatives to vote for Dems. I'm not buying what either side is selling, and I'll pretty much be disappointed no matter which guy wins in November.
  6. Thanks for the clarification. I didn't say anything about that, just that Stewart was disingenuous when he said he was stunned about Rove getting a job on Fox. I don't really give a damn about Rove or his counterparts on the left. They're all partisan hacks whose job is to get and keep their guy/gal elected, which means they probably make pretty good political analysts.
  7. What does your love for Stewart have to do with whether he's a tool? I do think he's wrong. He's not at all stunned that Rove is an analyst for Fox.
  8. Jon Stewart or George Stephanopoulos?
  9. I'm sure he's equally stunned that ABC uses George Stephanopoulos as a political analyst.
  10. Is that so? I'm glad you set me straight on what I'm about, though I'm not so sure I agree with your lumping of Bush and conservatives together.
  11. So did we ever decide which candidate loves his wife more?
  12. So should we always just vote for the poorest candidate or does that only apply when he or she is a Democrat?
  13. They made McSame into an ad?
  14. Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see you in the Little Rock residency.
  15. Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Yup. We actually had to get a veterinary consult.
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