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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Yes and no. It's not okay in the sense that they are unnecessarily jeopardizing their health. The fact that they are at least making some sort of payment (and if I owned an insurance company, I would require smokers to pay higher premiums) and thus burdening others less, makes it less "not okay" than those whose care is completely paid for by others. I'm not looking to ban smoking; I don't even think it should be banned in 'public' places (such as privately owned businesses). But I do think people should be more responsible for their own health. No, but they should be expected to make som
  2. But we're not talking about people who are just sick because of their past choices. These people are continuing to make these choices even while they're being treated. If they aren't going to comply with the treatment, why should they be treated for free? Do they not have some obligation to those that are paying for their treatment? The top three killers in the U.S. are heart disease, cancer (of which, lung cancer is the biggest killer), and stroke. All of these have modifiable risk factors. It seems to me that it would be a lot cheaper to not smoke cigarettes than it is to remove part of some
  3. No, but maybe if they took better care of themselves, their healthcare wouldn't be so expensive. Since I've been on my surgery rotation, I've seen lung cancer patients have their surgeries canceled because they were smoking on the day of their surgery.
  4. I've decided I don't care who wins the election. I just hope the President and Congress are from different parties. That way, nothing gets done, and progress can occur. How about the patients?
  5. Maybe not the show as a whole, but many individual episodes demonstrate conservative satire. Another example of conservative satire is Stuff White People Like. It's more of a cultural than political thing, but it definitely has an anti-leftwing bent to it.
  6. Apparently you've never seen South Park.
  7. Perfectly fine (as long as you don't mind being reported to the proper authorities).
  8. #2: Victor Puiseux - Special While I'm Here
  9. Former President Clinton attends the Olympics in a Bush mask.
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