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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I agree it may cause problems to rewrite it, but so does keeping it complex. It's a monster. It just keeps getting bigger, uglier, and more complex. We need a fresh start every now and then. Given all the man hours spent on figuring out tax liability, it might actually be a significant boost to the economy just to simplify it. And I disagree it's what we know (unless 'we' referred to accountants and IRS agents). I sure as hell don't know it.
  2. I just want it done. I don't care so much who wins. Just rip the band-aid.
  3. Palin may be dumb, but Biden is confident when he makes up shit.
  4. Maybe it'll always end up getting more complex, but why not start with a clean slate every now and then? Shouldn't there be a limit to how complex it gets?
  5. I guess you got me correctly pinned, though I did vote Green Party for U.S. Senate on my absentee ballot.
  6. So let me get this straight: your career is based on the tax code being complicated, and you don't want to simplify it?
  7. Yup, and he keeps getting better with each album.
  8. Unfortunately, I can't see any foreign countries from my apartment.
  9. I voted for fries but really like just about any form of potato. I'm also a big proponent of leaving the skin on, even for mashed potatoes.
  10. Every conservative I've seen on his show has gotten the non-puff interview. Have they all personally slighted Letterman?
  11. John should've realized Dave reserves those interviews for people with whom he agrees.
  12. I think you misunderstood my point. Attacking a strawman means you present the other side's argument as a weak caricature of the actual argument (eg McCain supporters only want to fund the war and nothing domestic, Retardicans, McDumb, etc.) and then attack that instead of their actual argument. "Declaring war on strawman" was just another way of saying "attacking strawman" and has nothing to do with your foreign policy positions.
  13. Whereas you only like to declare war on strawmen.
  14. Michael: I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious.
  15. Ask John Edwards. I guess because there are so many potential complications of pregnancy and because there's so much of an emotional investment that OB doctors are easy targets.
  16. Medical, though psychiatrists also go to the same medical school, they just do a residency in psychiatry after they graduate. I don't have a lot of experience with pricing so far, but I think there are many factors. The newer the treatments and drugs are more expensive because they haven't reached a large enough scale to be produced cheaply and because there aren't generics. Malpractice insurance and the lack of tort reform is definitely a factor. It encourages doctors to order unnecessary tests in an attempt to be thorough and avoid lawsuits and higher premiums also probably increase costs. T
  17. Actually, I think that's the federal reserve's next tactic. All I said was that not all skills are equally valued.
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