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Mystik Spiral

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Posts posted by Mystik Spiral

  1. Shouldn't there be a mini-Ben Linus walking around the Dharma Initiative? I would think over the course of 3 years the 815 people would have picked up on a kid named Ben Linus, and Juliette might have clued people into the fact that he is going to gas them all in the future.


    That is a good point, and I hope the writers manage to rectify it. I was happy to see that they hadn't dismissed/forgotten about the four-toed statue.

  2. Interesting...


    I knew there was some label drama with the new one, and I'm glad that Jof & Pete seem to have weathered the storm.


    It's funny that they get such a rep for making cutey-kid-playtime kinda music. The tunes are upbeat, sure, but the lyrics are pretty deep. That's my draw to them actually. They're very oxymoronic. In a good way. :D

  3. ^^ :lol


    I liked this episode. I don't know what exactly all the haters were expecting. We needed to know how the Losties on the island got involved with the DI. I think it's a big deal to know that they've been living island 70's for three years before the O5 come back. And as always with LOST, there's going to be more to the story. Chill out.


    Also some of this has to do with Charlotte. I thought maybe Amy and Horace were her parents, but then they go and have a boy. Then we see the redheaded little girl... I still want to know who her parents are.

  4. Sawyer and Juliet stay together: :pray :pray :pray :pray


    I have to admit that I'm so confused by all the time travel...


    Have the survivors on the island been existing in two planes? They're in 1974 now on the island, is there a 1974 version of each of them running around off the island? If Sawyer and Juliet do stay together forever will he ever have a daughter with Cassidy? And so on and so forth...


    As for the S1 skeletons, I thought Jack said they were likely 50-60 years dead. So 1970's skeletons would've been too new.


    My brain hurts.


    It's nice to see Horace again, though, that crazy liver-eating SOB.

  5. This is sort of how I envisioned it: The new plane was crashing and was right above the main island when the island jumped in time. The time jumping effects people who have been on the island different lengths of time...differently. The others don't jump with the island, but the oceanic 815 people do jump. So all the oceanic 815 survivors time jumped out of the plane when the flash hit, and fell from the sky in the past. Locke didn't jump because he wasn't alive yet (I don't think dead people jump through time), Ben didn't jump because he was an other, and Lapidus didn't jump because, ummmmmm, he wasn't on the island as long as other people. I dunno. The theory has a lot of holes in it and would mean that other lady he went with wasn't sun (could be faraday's mom?)


    Yes, this is why I don't think it's Sun who took off with Frank. But also we know Frank, and would he take off to the main island with a woman he doesn't know? I'm racking my brain to think of who else that woman could be. What about Daniel's Theresa? What about the woman who was with Daniel when the TV was showing the 815 wreckage? Ms. Hawking? Maybe.


    That's why I love this show, it still manages to surprise me.

  6. I have also been enjoying this quite a bit. Dude that was Page France, right? Something like that.


    Yup. Granted, I've only listened to the Cotton Jones album once, but my initial impression is that I like Page France a lot better. I'll have to spend some more time with it.

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