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Mystik Spiral

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Everything posted by Mystik Spiral

  1. The more I think the more I agree. Richard is the only one truly serving the island. Ben & Widmore have ulterior motives. But for whatever reason Richard cannot be in charge? If he's the one truly on the side of the island, why the transfer of power from Widmore to Ben to Locke? Or is Richard completely in control of everything happening on and off the island? Richard is a total mystery to me. Agh!
  2. There should be some doubt... the "new" people (& Locke) are on the adjacent island where the Hydra station is, but Jack, Kate & Hurley seemed to have landed on the main island. If the Oceanic 6 disappeared during the turbulence, shouldn't Sun & Sayid be on the main island too? Not saying it wasn't Sun who went with Lapidus, but I don't think it's a sure thing. I wanna know where Sayid is too. And I'm wondering about what's going through Locke's head opening up to Caesar and that woman... doesn't he remember that Walt had been having those dreams about Locke being on the islan
  3. ^^I'm loving it! Not quite up to par with the debut, but it grows on me with every listen. Plus, the debut was a-maz-ing.
  4. She's the only woman we know on the flight who's unaccounted for, so I was thinking the same. But then I wondered why she would have landed on the neighboring island with the non-O6. You would think she and Sayid wouldn't have ended up too far from Jack, Kate & Hurley.
  5. That's what I keep thinking. I'm still on the fence about the whole Ben/Charles thing... assuming that they ARE the ones who are leading the opposing sides of the upcoming war. Ben seemed so cold when he was killing Locke, but so sincere when he was leaving the motel telling Locke he would miss him. Widmore seemed to want Locke alive; after all, he had plenty of opportunity to kill him between Locke's landing in Tunisia and having Abbadon drive him all over the world. Ben twice made the attempt to take Locke's life and ultimately succeeded. So I guess the real question is whether or not J
  6. Got em! The last one took me about a minute and a half .
  7. But, the O6 all met on the docks to begin with, when Sun threatened to shoot Ben, when Sayid and Kate begged off from going back to the island. They were on a dock. I think it's meant to be misleading. I'm still kind of holding on to the thought that Penny and baby Charlie aren't anywhere near LA. I mean, when Desmond got Ms. Hawking's address from Widmore they were in England. How long would it take to sail from England to LA? A while. The main reason Des & Penny were laying low was to be safe from Widmore, but that became moot when Des went to Widmore for the address in the first
  8. ^^Thinking through this whole episode that I now have no idea where to fall on the whole Charles/Ben thing anymore... And just when I thought that all those lame theories about hiding a damn medusa spider in Locke's coffin were going to come true - Ben kills Locke?!? I literally went from the verge of losing all respect for this show to gaining a whole new respect. Good stuff. I was also completely shocked when Abbadon was shot. Completely. The "enhanced" episode from last week, where they specifically mentioned Ben's promise to kill Penny leads me to believe (and hope!) that it's not
  9. That was a pretty cool video. I am anticipating a great episode tonight.
  10. Have a little faith... After all, faith is a fact.
  11. I don't know about the woman "escorting" Sayid, but to me, Sayid just doesn't seem like the type of guy to be "freaking out" about anything. If he's truly under arrest, what good would it do to start shouting about the other passengers? I still think Ben had something to do with getting Sayid on that plane, maybe Sayid just accepted his fate. And as for the whole recreating of 815, notice that Ben barely made the plane, just like Hurley on the original flight... Do you guys think Ben did make it back to the island? Seems it's unclear whether flight 316 actually crashed or if the O6-1 jus
  12. I loved them live, so much fun!! There's just something about their kinda deep subject matter set to lighthearted tunes. Great band. I still listen to their debut on a pretty regular basis. EDIT: I know kung fu, and I'm not afraid of you...
  13. OK, we had it 2006, that makes me feel a little better. It just really didn't feel like 4ish years since we had their debut. I saw them in Boulder late 2006 with a veritable handful of other people. Hope they come back over here someday!
  14. Just grabbed the YYYs tonight, haven't listened yet. I love the PR on the new TBLLT: "Everyone's favorite 'nursery school on crack' (a musical genre with admittedly few members) outfit, The Boy Least Likely To, are ready to release their follow-up album to the hit 2005 debut, The Best Party Ever. That album's track "Apple Wagon" was one of the catchiest songs of 2005, and in our scary times we could probably use some more sweet vocals matched with happy little melodies tinged with the sound of xylophones and kazoos." Really liking it. EDIT: damn, that was 2005?!?
  15. Also, I don't believe he'd been mirandized when he yelled that he killed them all, making that confession worthless in court. Thank you Law & Order.
  16. I just re-watched the episode from the other night. I love how they all were in first class to Guam. So much for "recreating the scenario"... And just me nitpicking - how did Hurley carry on that guitar? It never would have fit into the box.
  17. Yeah, that had me wigging out for a minute. I thought ABC had made a mistake and started up the wrong episode...
  18. Oh, I think you may be right. Forgot about that!
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