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Posts posted by Marijn

  1. Actually, I think this might be good news for independent record stores. There'll always be a market for physical media, wheter it's vinyl or plastic discs. People just don't want to buy a disc for every single song they hear on the radio; that's why the cd single disappeared a few years ago. If Walmart and Best Buy discontinue their cd sales, people might return to the smaller stores.


    I for one still enjoy buying cd's, but they usually end up unused in my closet, because most of the time I already downloaded a lossless copy.

  2. Removed Andorra, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Monaco, Portugal and Turkey from the list. Last year, on a trip to Pécs (Hungary) I nearly touched the Croatian border, but never crossed it.. [edit] Nevermind, Cryptique already removed Croatia [/edit]


    Afghanistan (316)

    Albania (97)

    Algeria (76)

    Angola (53)


    Antigua and Barbuda (108)

    Armenia (218)

    Azerbaijan (127)

    Bahrain (142)

    Bangladesh (475)

    Belarus (212)

    Benin (23)

    Bhutan (94)

    Bolivia (227)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina (215)

    Botswana (161)

    Brazil (3122)

    Brunei (233)

    Burkina Faso (47)

    Burundi (36)

    Cambodia (348)

    Cameroon (67)

    Cape Verde (30)

    Central African Republic (24)

    Chad (42)

    China (10909)

    Colombia (570)

    Comoros (29)

    Congo (Brazzaville) (33)

    Congo, Democratic Republic of the (75)

    Costa Rica (1222)

    Côte d'Ivoire (68)

    Cuba (339)

    Cyprus (867)

    Czech Republic (2640)

    Djibouti (23)

    Dominica (104)

    Dominican Republic (561)

    East Timor (Timor Timur) (41)

    Ecuador (576)

    El Salvador (184)

    Equatorial Guinea (30)

    Eritrea (37)

    Ethiopia (142)

    Fiji (317)

    Gabon (28)

    Gambia, The (69)

    Georgia (240)

    Ghana (180)

    Grenada (113)

    Guatemala (282)

    Guinea (29)

    Guinea-Bissau (13)

    Guyana (90)

    Haiti (102)

    Honduras (211)

    Iceland (1026)

    India (28513)

    Indonesia (4915)

    Iran (838)

    Iraq (342)

    Jordan (706)

    Kazakhstan (144)

    Kenya (477)

    Kiribati (19)

    Korea, North (124)

    Korea, South (4015)

    Kuwait (258)

    Kyrgyzstan (71)

    Laos (112)

    Lebanon (759)

    Lesotho (24)

    Liberia (60)

    Libya (71)

    Madagascar (90)

    Malawi (96)

    Malaysia (6928)

    Maldives (151)

    Mali (66)

    Malta (468)

    Marshall Islands (32)

    Mauritania (71)

    Mauritius (159)

    Micronesia, Federated States of (94)

    Moldova (91)

    Mongolia (219)

    Montenegro (26)

    Morocco (292)

    Mozambique (52)

    Myanmar (Burma) (244)

    Namibia (177)

    Nauru (22)

    Nepal (721)

    New Zealand (21430)

    Nicaragua (166)

    Niger (46)

    Nigeria (319)

    Oman (125)

    Pakistan (1769)

    Palau (36)

    Panama (319)

    Papua New Guinea (197)

    Paraguay (78)

    Philippines (5325)

    Qatar (130)

    Republic of Macedonia (234)

    Romania (1060)

    Russia (3352)

    Rwanda (59)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis (57)

    Saint Lucia (95)

    Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (69)

    Samoa (46)

    San Marino (44)

    Sao Tome and Principe (28)

    Saudi Arabia (546)

    Senegal (90)

    Serbia (530)

    Seychelles (158)

    Sierra Leone (33)

    Singapore (10828)

    Slovakia (426)

    Solomon Islands (60)

    Somalia (86)

    South Africa (6914)

    Sri Lanka (793)

    Sudan (222)

    Suriname (45)

    Swaziland (41)

    Syria (358)

    Taiwan (4509)

    Tajikistan (46)

    Tanzania (291)

    Thailand (6767)

    Togo (50)

    Tonga (93)

    Trinidad and Tobago (274)

    Tunisia (124)

    Turkmenistan (45)

    Tuvalu (27)

    Uganda (175)

    Ukraine (814)

    United Arab Emirates (1051)

    Uzbekistan (174)

    Vanuatu (57)

    Venezuela (760)

    Vietnam (900)

    Western Sahara (11)

    Yemen (113)

    Zambia (97)

    Zimbabwe (230)

  3. January:

    Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes



    Johan - 12,5 Years, 3 Albums, 36 Songs (box)

    Decemberists - The Hazards Of Love



    Ron Sexsmith - Other Songs

    Ron Sexsmith - Rarities

    Ron Sexsmith - Grand Opera Lane

    Chris Chameleon - Ek Vir Jou

    Doves - Kingdom Of Rust

    Anne Soldaat - In Another Life



    Wilco - Ashes Of American Flags (dvd)



    Beirut - Gulag Orkestar / Lon Gisland EP

    Johan - 4

    Ron Sexsmith - Blue Boy

    Beirut - March Of The Zapotec / Holland

    R.E.M. - New Adventures In Hi-Fi (dvd-a)

    R.E.M. - Reveal (dvd-a)

    R.E.M. - Around The Sun (dvd-a)



    Jayhawks - Tomorrow The Green Grass

    Gem - United

    Wilco - W(TA)



    Jayhawks - Hollywood Town Hall

    Travis - The Boy With No Name

    Travis - The Invisible Band

    Travis - The Man Who

    Travis - Good Feeling

    Travis - The Singles

    Ron Sexsmith & Don Kerr - Destination Unknown



    Lambchop - I Hope You're Sitting Down



    Eels - Hombre Lobo

    Moss - Never Be Scared/Don't Be A Hero

    Noah & the Whale - The First Days Of Spring

    Reel Big Fish - Why Do They Rock So Hard?



    Gasoline Brothers - Tsk!

    Awkward I - I Really Should Whisper

    Spinvis - Goochelaars & Geesten

    R.E.M. - Reckoning (Deluxe)

    Travis - At The Palace (dvd)



    R.E.M. - Up (dvd-a)

    Spinvis - Nieuwegein Aan Zee

    El Pino & the Volunteers - The Long-lost Art Of Becoming Invisible

    John K. Samson - City Route 85 (digital EP)

    R.E.M. - Live At The Olympia (+dvd)

    Kyteman - The Hermit Sessions Live (+dvd)

    R.E.M. - Murmur (Deluxe)

    Death Cab For Cutie - You Can Play These Songs With Chords

    Scram C Baby - Eau De Vie



    Caesar - No Rest For The Alonely (5th anniversary edition)

    Uncle Tupelo - Anodyne (remastered)

    Doveman - With My Left Hand I Raise The Dead

    Doveman - The Conformist

    Eels - End Times (deluxe edition / pre-order)

    Shearwater - The Golden Archipelago (pre-order)

  4. I'll post some photo's when I return from work tonight.


    In the meantime, here's a movie my friend Sjoerd made:



    MODERATOR EDIT: Link removed.




    Wilco has a long-standing policy against the videotaping of their shows, and out of respect for this policy, the posting of such videos on Via Chicago is not allowed. This also applies to solo Jeff Tweedy shows.

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