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Everything posted by kwall

  1. you'll have to be more specific. i don't. i don't. it's not.
  2. hate is a strong word, but, yes, he is much too liberal.
  3. it's not desperation, it's maverickosity. i don't think mccain ever had a lot of supporters. obama has a lot of opposers.
  4. well, by all means, let's dispose of the true meaning and just go with what you think.
  5. the ideals haven't changed. you could, however, make the argument that the label has been hijacked.
  6. republicanism. agreed. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/ http://www.lp.org/ http://www.constitutionparty.com/
  7. no, i believe you. i'm telling you you're making a generalization.
  8. it's incomprehensible that they're making her defend this "geographic proximity" notion that the mccain people obviously came up with. her fumbling with it tells me that she doesn't even believe it. on any other answer, she just sounds inexperienced, which is forgivable. on this answer, she sounds like a charlatan, which is unforgivable. and there's no upside to it.
  9. well, it seems that you often cite these people as being representative of conservatives and conservative thought. perhaps basing your view of the opposition on a handful of "1%ers" is an unfair generalization?
  10. i really hope tweedy doesn't feel this way. that would be seriously disappointing.
  11. you're talking about Republicans, not conservatives.
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