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Everything posted by kwall

  1. does every argument with john smith end this way? seems like it.
  2. well, it's not like the machine is just going to change on its own. the people need to change it.
  3. they don't have to be defined in the constitution as long as they're in the hearts of the justices.
  4. it's "productive" in the same way that a cough can be.
  5. don't thank me. someone else posted it earlier.
  6. the occupant of the white house would change, to a less dumb one. they generally share, or at least say they share, their capitalist ideals. they are demanding to know what would change, they just don't like the answers that obama gives for that.
  7. well, i don't read all your posts (and i'm not about to start poring over all of them now), but of the ones i've read, i don't remember any thoughts about why we are here other than the most recent, "to procreate", which, by the way, would qualify as a belief, would it not? do you have any proof?
  8. what does science tell us about why we are here?
  9. well, i would prefer that if the government determines they've taken too much tax from someone, that someone should get it back. but, the biggest reason i don't like palin is that she's dumb.
  10. i agree. science seeks to explain how the universe works the way it does. faith seeks to explain why. i'm sure we won't have to wait long . . .
  11. "Watch the third party debates online" http://thirdpartyticket.com/
  12. really? because i'm probably going to vote for the constitution party instead of mccain.
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