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Everything posted by kwall

  1. yes, as more and more over-taxed companies have realized.
  2. what ever happened to those new civility rules?
  3. don't worry. obama's going to make it cool to be a doctor again.
  4. i suppose there are some people like that somewhere, but not many. i've never known any. it sounds like your worldview is based on a sitcom.
  5. i suspect that you will never consider an argument with which you disagree to be "clear".
  6. also, many small businesses with incomes over 250K file as individuals and would have their taxes raised.
  7. ok, fine, it's not an argument. it is, however, an answer to your previous question, which is all i was interested in giving.
  8. i was asked for five reasons, so i gave them. i couldn't give 2 shits whether you understand or not. anyone with half a brain understood that.
  9. i don't like that one's policy on taxes. i don't like that one's policy for universal health care. i don't like that one's policy for withdrawal from iraq. i don't like that one's philosophy on supreme court justices. i don't like that one's philosophy on abortion.
  10. i'm voting for not obama because i disagree with his policy proposals.
  11. you want to disenfranchise the irresponsible?! ok, adolf.
  12. "Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors . . ." http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/co...i.html#section2
  13. you always cite these as his main qualifications. i agree that he's smart, thoughtful, concerned, and of color. i also happen to disagree with his policies, regardless of what my favorite musician thinks.
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