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Everything posted by kwall

  1. obviously, you don't need it. of course. i wonder though - what if you talk about it with friends and you come up with some notions that you all basically agree on that make sense to you. and you decide to live your life based on these notions. and through your conversations with other people, they see the wisdom in your notions. is this now a Religion? what do you need it for? nope. i did that for many years and it turned out to not be enough for me. to each his own. that's your unprovable belief. it's cool, i'm not attacking you. i don't know if it has a reason either.
  2. i guess we're just fucked then. http://www.baldwin08.com/
  3. i'm willing to believe that maybe she has a respectable IQ (although i've yet to see any evidence of it), but she's dumb as hell about national policy. because, i suspect, she's never really had any interest in it. she should've declined the offer. ron paul is pro-life.
  4. i don't know that i can say with any certainty what their supported policies are.
  5. "And he's going to need help . . . to stand with him. Because it's not going to be apparent initially; it's not going to be apparent that we're right." what does this mean, exactly?
  6. i don't take issue with the right to privacy. i take issue with the notion that we're allowed to kill people in private.
  7. my point is that it's a little disingenuous to say that he's against government involvement in the issue. he's in favor of government involvement as long as it supports his view. which is fine. just sayin.
  8. if he's in favor of the federal gov't staying out of the decision, shouldn't he be in favor of repealing roe v. wade?
  9. especially if you're politically connected at all. you get the tax code customized for you.
  10. the only fair thing would be to insure that everyone has exactly the same net income.
  11. hopefully, at least it'll become socially acceptable to criticize him.
  12. sounds good to me. i'd have to hear a more specific description of "bigger". i like the flat tax idea. i don't know, i'd have to see what they pay in taxes and what the break is.
  13. i heard that mccain wants to nominate supreme court justices that will bring back slavery.
  14. if you happen to be employed by them, or have stock in them, or buy their products, yes.
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