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Vacant Horizon

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Posts posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. *************New Album Spoilers **************




    I just got Rolling Stone magazine today! The article first talks about some album title suggestions that Wilco has pinned up in the loft:


    Best Album Yet

    Nova Bowl

    Kiwi in My Pants

    Down With the Skirts


    The last one catches Tweedy

  2. A nice piece in today's NY Times.




    from it:




    and I like this one too,




    thanks for posting this. so glad to hear the band rehearsing and enjoying the long tunes. also, i'm glad the band is being intentional about taking care of themselves first and foremost. this will make the music last and it will remain good. i'm reminded of the book Garcia, his biography where it's made clear that garcia was not taking care of himself and felt all the pressure of the DEAD corporation on his back. too bad, because it all suffered and he died for it. there was a point after his coma that he wanted to just concentrate on the jerry band. i wish he had done that and i hope phish sticks with it's plane. so excited for the shows!

  3. totally forgot about the reunion. don't really listen to the band anymore, but still keep up with the happenings. two of my old phish/dead touring buddies are heading out to the shows. it's the first time any of us actually went to a run of shows with money for a nice hotel room etc. :dancing


    the fact that the boys are releasing the shows immediately makes me think that they are practicing their asses off. i know trey and page want to sound good. the 'no spoilers' thing is also so cool. can't wait to listen!


    "...was it for this my life I sought?"

  4. it's missing a few songs he played live. Sea Change is one. I forget the other. thrasherswheat had a link to some sound samples. the link is gone now. i did hear the samples though. atrocious. i think i'm done with neil for a while. magnolia electric seem to be doing neil a lot better for me!

  5. this looks completely AMAZING!!!


    this franchise is something i find totally compelling. now, i just wish star wars was like this. i hope i'm alive when some young punk reimagines star wars and makes it the most dark scifi ever seen.



  6. Tailspin is so gorgeous... and i can never get enough of Stumblin' Through The Dark and All The Right Reasons


    and while it's a total CSNY ripoff, i always dug Madman for some reason.



    Madman is sooooooooo awesome. i just love that shit! 3 part harmony with just a guitar and minimal production. wish there was more music out there like that!



    the other thing about RDM is that he production is so warm. love the way Johns makes the bass sound so 60s.

  7. circa early '95


    Gary, Mark, Tim, Karen, Perlman (maybe a few other players, idk)


    same as in Spain last fall


    i must be one of the few people who find Rainy Day Music as my favorite post-Olson Jayhawks record...


    sure Smile & Sound of Lies both have a few amazing songs (Think About It is a top 5 Jayhawks song for me...), but both were inconsistent. RDM maybe doesn't have the highs of those, but the overall sound and flow of it works very well for me. plus i adore Tim O's voice.


    yeah, tim's voice and gary's voices work well together. there is a continuity with that on rainy day music. RDM is about 4 songs too long though....like most records these days.





    "See Him On the Street" and "Anne Jane" are also not on par....I've heard this record so often, I have a routine now of what songs I skip.



    I agree about the Lennon/McCartney comparison. I have a sense that Olson (Lennon) writes better pure songs or structurally knows what goes into making a great song. And Louris (McCartney) has the pop sensibility, guitar chops and quirkiness in his song ideas to give songs life. But their ideas seem to work best when together.



    nice elucidation!

  8. His name is Mark Spencer and yes he is the spitting image of Gerard Depardeu (sic) probably best known as the lead in the move Green Card...Spencer is playing keys, lap steel and for the very first time ever in public, Pedal Steel...This is the first time SV has had pedal steel in it's live sets since Eric Heywood joined them in the sudio and on tour many years ago.



    good to hear there isn't a full time keys player. that does not work for son volt in my opinion.

  9. I cant believe I had to go to the second page to find a thread about SV...Whats wrong with you people?


    They are tearing it up on this new tour... Jay has brought the twang back to the Volt... Not that it ever really left...


    Cant wait to see Jay again next week... Denton wielcomes you with open arms my friend!!!


    Now if we can just get Tweedy to make it down here!!!





    BTW, Jay's board mentioned that someone yelled "Tweedy's a fag" during the opening night of the tour... Jay let the guy have it and gave him the bird! :thumbup



    okay, this post got me a bit more psyched about jay. standing up for jeff is badass in my book! i'm going to listen to trace right now!

  10. i can't see the band even wanting to run through shit like reba and YEM. it's just a different time for them. they'll probably pick up where they left off, but having more fun. i'm not expecting anything great from these new shows. you're gonna get textbook setlists and lots of groove jamming. not my cup of tea, but will probably be pretty good for the folks that go. and it will be more than pissing in hears. here's to the band and phans having fun...that's it.

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