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Mrs. Peel

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Posts posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Another post on FB:


    Champaign-Urbana is celebrating the music of the TLA, et al era this weekend with a reunion and all of his former TLA band mates - as well as LeRoy Bach and other close friends - met this afternoon at my house for a BBQ-turned-wake for our friend. Ed Burch phoned from Austin as well as Jonathan Pines (who apparently had been working with Jay finishing up a number of recordings of late). It is a very sad day in C-U.



  2. I just REALLY hope that if anyone knows Jay personally, they do not find out through this board. Nothing against this board, but finding out such horrible news on a message board is nothing Id want to imagine



    Absolutely. I hope everyone joining this thread keeps that in mind when posting their comments. This is taking me straight back to reading about Natalie here. :no

  3. If its true, my thoughts go out to anyone close to Jay that might be reading this. His music meant a lot to a lot of us. Weather or not he left on good terms Wilco just wouldn't be Wilco without his contributions. Peace, Jay.


    Me too. :(

  4. Jen, continuing vibes coming your way. As for the obese cat, if you try it just let go slowly and be mindful of whether Fatty can bear his or her own weight. :lol


    The question is, which fatty should I try first? Fat Loki who is big but really long, therefore making a hanging cat that would reach halfway down the doorway, or Fat Marvin who is like a giant boulder and would make a hanging cat that would look like a bowling ball held up by two little sticks? Decisions, decisions....

  5. I don't know how I haven't seen this post but I hope everything continues to work out well!



    Thanks, Greg. It wasn't text-worthy. :)


    Still having qualms about CS4 but I'm getting over it. I did my first 3D pic ysterday....Sid Vicious.

  6. Awesome! Did they give you the novocaine?


    Yes, and oddly that's what made the doctor and nurse proclaim in delight that they loved my neck! They didn't have to switch to a big needle to do the biopsy after the small novocaine needle reached all the way to the thyroid. They said normally they need a needle twice the size to do the biopsy. Uhh, thanks?



    Donna, I'm going to try that right now.....well, maybe tomorrow, my neck's a little sore to be lifting a cat over my head. But it can't be an obese cat? They're the ones that would look funniest hanging from a doorway. Maybe I'll try them in two days after I've healed a little more. :D


    I almost feel like I'm jinxing myself by announcing all of this before the test results come back. So if you wouldn't mind, keep the vibeage going for just a few more days, even if it's just on low frequency.

  7. Thanks, guys! I'll swing Calvin around when I get the final results (that's my cat's name, but I won't really swing the cat around) but it seems like everything will be fine.


    Let me clarify the neck thing....he said a lot of patients have huge necks and he has to hunt around for the thyroid but mine is skinny so it was an easy job for him. :lol


    I need a nap. I don't think I've slept in a week. :yawn

  8. The big thing in my thyroid was a cyst. Thank god. They're still sending the tissue samples for testing but it's looking much more optimistic now. As soon as the needle went it the big spot on the ultrasound starting going away. I won't be 100% safe until the results come back later this week, but it's looking like everything will be fine. When the doctor was leaving he said "Don't sweat it." I take that as a good sign. He also said he loves my neck. :lol


    Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and the serious vibeage. VC may have thwarted another baddie!

  9. That's honestly how I feel. I have the original V, and it does what I need perfectly. I actually wish it didn't even have the keyboard because I don't use the internet on it, and can text faster/one-handed with t9 on the outside. So when I look at upgrading I see a bunch of phones that are smart phones/blackberries & would require an internet plan or are touch screen, and none of that does anything for me.


    You're a super fast texter.....you do that on a numeric keypad???

  10. I have the same feeling about flip phones... I like to be able to hold it to my ear with my shoulder. BUT, I just had to move into the current times so hopefully this all works out.






    Here's a collection of reviews on the Krave. I've always had mixed results with motorola.



    :lol Someone said it reminded them of the Star Trek communicator and he's right!!

  11. Thanks for the in depth responses, guys! I'll look into everything you've mentioned. My husband has the Dare and he doesn't really like it because he doesn't think it gets as strong a signal as his old flip LG. The KRAVE sounds right up my alley but I'll do some more research.


    I have an iPod Touch too, and although I think it's the coolest thing ever I'm not sure I'd be comfortable holding it up to my ear and talking on it.

  12. I'm pretty happy having a RAZR flip phone, and I don't use it very much, but I'm tired of texting using the numerical keypad when I do. I like the fact that a flip phone is shaped like a traditional phone and i"m able to cradle it between my ear and my shoulder. That's the thing I don't like about iPhones and similar phones...they just don't seem comfortable to use. I do like the touchscreen though, as long as it's not super sensitive (I had a Chocolate phone for a while and returned it because it was so poorly designed and I kept hitting the touchscreen button and calling people by accident). Are the screens more intuitive to that now? Do you just get used to the new shape after a while?

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