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Everything posted by jff

  1. Oh yeah, I forgot you could do that.
  2. I was listening to "Breakfast with the Beatles" yesterday on the radio and they had a long interview with her. She told a lot of really interesting and sweet stories. I'm hoping to get her book soon.
  3. Yeah, I just got it. I've been on one of my every-two-years-or-so Funkadelic kicks for the last couple weeks, and I figured this title wouldn't be in print for very long so I had to order a copy. Oh, also now playing:
  4. The younger me would have considered this sacrilege, but I recently outfitted my drums with a type of drumhead that I once thought were crimes against tone. I put Remo Pinstripe heads on my toms and an Evans Hydraulic (oil filled) head on my snare drum. These heads are a crime against resonance, but I need a punchier sound for my current band and so far these heads are working out pretty well.
  5. Paul's piano playing at the beginning of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is incredible.
  6. I have an old guitar magazine with an interview with J. Mascis and Thurston Moore. J. ends the interview by saying "never play a guitar with humbuckers". I wonder what it is about THAT monstrosity that gave him a change of heart.
  7. What are you asking? If you can't see the image, it's Twink: The Lost Experimental Recordings 1970. Right now:
  8. Definitely, both are good bands, but I'd say the Rockateens were better.
  9. Mike Mills from REM came to see a band I was playing in when we played in Athens in the mid-'90s. He was just about the only person there.
  10. All About Jazz has a pretty thorough write up on the Side Steps box: http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=34369&pg=1 I'll probably pull the trigger on the Fearless Leader and Interplay Boxes. These prices are just unreal.
  11. Jesus, this could take a while. I don't even know where to begin. One song I loved in the '90s that I haven't heard since the '90s is Freedy Johnston's "Bad Reputation". Do songs count if I still love them? Is this list only open to songs released in the '90s?
  12. I like that one. That's a somewhat forgotten album/band. I read an interveiw recently with Tanya Donnelly. She said all those songs were written for the second Breeders album. Kim Deal and Tanya were going to trade off the songwriting duties from album to album, and the second album was going to be Tanya's songs. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) she left the group and it wasn't to be. I'd love to hear how the Breeders Pod lineup would have played the Star songs. Another Great '90s album: Shudder to Think: Pony Express Record
  13. Ah yeah, Dukes of Stratosphere. I used to have that Primus ep. Good stuff there, too. Will keep Martin newell in mind. I'd probably like that, based on your description.
  14. Other examples: Women Girls
  15. It's getting to the point where you can't even google a band anymore without getting mostly irrelevant results. Band names jumped the shark decades ago, though.
  16. There are so many great ones. Here are a few off the top of my head: Firehose: Live Totem Pole Helium: No Guitars Polvo: Celebrate the New Dark Age Polvo: This Eclipse King Crimson: Vroom Breeders: Safari Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - Admonishing the Bishops
  17. Any band featuring Mary Timony.
  18. His name is Falcon. I'll wager $1,000 that at least 500 kids will be born in the USA and given the name Falcon within the next 48 hours.
  19. I do too. I like This Years Model, but I like it the least out of the first handful of Attractions albums. Last night the turntable was graced with:
  20. Me too, my flippant comment notwithstanding. That'd be the best outcome.
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