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Everything posted by jff

  1. I have a myspace page. Two actually. Can't remember the last time I looked at either of them. I used to have a Facebook page, but I cancelled it because I didn't understand all the poking and other nonsense.
  2. I remember seeing that name in the Atlanta show listings. I don't think I ever saw them, though. My Atlanta favorites circa mid to late '90s were: Flap Joybang! Toenut (although they did achieve a brief moment of national/international attention) Seely William Carlos Williams Butterflies Bob Gold Sparkle Band
  3. Did you get any Ham Burglar photos as a result of that search?
  4. Good point. They'll have to throw in something like this to make it add up to six:
  5. Ol' Glenn's tennis look-a-like-ness spans the ages. "Glenn Frey" returns this result: Which looks sort of like this dude:
  6. Prior to the VMA's, was Kanye (openly ) scheduled to appear on the premier of Leno's new show?
  7. $50 says Taylor Swift's publicist winds up in the Obama administration.
  8. Yup, still awesome. I can hardly believe this is 27 years old. This album holds up better than just about anything I was listening to at the time. My buddy Rafael loaned me his cassette (in exchange I loaned him my copy of Black Flag's "First Four Years"). My parents got ahold of the tape before I listened to it and withheld it from me, based only on the name of the band. They didn't seem to have a problem with my Circle Jerks and Suicidal Tendencies tapes, though.
  9. Pre-sale takes place more than a year before the event. Has that ever happened before?
  10. It would have been a lot cooler if she ate the ball and then smashed her racket over her head before throwing the broken racket at the line judge and spitting the chewed up ball all over the court.
  11. And Beyonce for being so gracious as to hand her speech time over to Swift. I could be wrong, but the first thing that popped into my mind after Beyonce's win/Swift's do-over was that it was an ingenious publicity coup organized between all three camps. Expect it to keep happening.
  12. I'm there. Hopefully they'll practice first this time around.
  13. INXS after Kick, now that's guilty pleasure. For the most part, I think I'd probably still enjoy my 24-7 Spyz records.
  14. I suspect if I were not from Atlanta, I would have absolutely no idea who this thread is about.
  15. Yeah, me too, and I stand by my selection, as unintentional as it may have been. Bill Maher endorses my choice.
  16. It took me a while to figure this out, too, but here's how I do it: Find the image you want. Right click your mouse on the image. Left click on "properties". Copy and paste the address/url into your post. Type directly after the url. edit, wait, it's not letting me type the image tag, so you need to type img, in brackets, before the url, and type /img in brackets, after the url. Damn, this probably no longer makes sense. I'll try it now: EDIT: Cool , it worked! Oh yeah, I'm listening to Nels Cline "Coward". I've been negelecting this one for a while.
  17. That's my point. I never got the people who said Let's Dance is cheesy or bad. I'd rather listen to Let's Dance than most anything by Prince...and I like Prince.
  18. Duran Duran had some pretty cool tunes. Human League, too.
  19. Where '80s big sellers are concerned, that's a top 5 album, easily. Probably #2, after Thriller. If Let's Dance a guilty pleasure, then so is Purple Rain.
  20. It's not exactly a shining moment for the barbers and hair stylists, either.
  21. jff

    Big Star

    If nothing else, this thread shows two things: 1. Virtually all of the best bands of the '70s (meaning, bands that originated in the '70s), came along during the last three or four years of the decade. '77-'80 was clearly one of the all time high points for rock/pop music. 2. They all released albums at a pace that is much, much more impressive than the current norm. And the ratio of filler to top shelf music hasn't changed much. Oh, and I'll throw another one up for consideration: PERE UBU Date ALBUMS / Singles 1975 December 30 Seconds Over Tokyo (single) 1976 March Final Solutio
  22. jff

    Big Star

    I considered him, but it was a borderline violation of my self-imposed rules regarding band vs. frontman w/ backing band. I'd probably put that body of work ahead of Big Star.
  23. jff

    Big Star

    Not enough variety.
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