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Everything posted by jff

  1. jff

    Big Star

    I would probably agree with the first sentence, but not the second. Remain in Light came out in 1980. I think they went downhill after that one, and never again put out an entire album of great tunes. Their first three albums is a better collection of music than Big Star's output, in my opinion. If you include Remain in Light, it's not even close. So when are Big Star coming back to Atlanta? I'd love to see them again.
  2. jff

    Big Star

    I'd place their '70s work higher than Big Star's, is what I meant. To my ears, Talking Heads took a huge dive after 1980, with a few notable exceptions. I'm kind of surprised nobody mentioned Cheap Trick in this thread. I think they're a very average band, but a lot of people place them among the all-time greats.
  3. jff

    Big Star

    They definitely deserve to be at or near the top. Good call.
  4. Idiots, Flying RULES! I wonder what was their rationale for naming "A Hard Day's Night" #1. They were probably taking the impact of the film into consideration more than the actual song. Agree or disagree with the list, but they get bonus points for the subtle "Paul is Dead" cover photo.
  5. jff

    Big Star

    I considered them. Marquee Moon is probably my favorite album of the '70s. If they had put out two more albums that were as good, it'd be no contest. XTC and Devo might be worthy contenders.
  6. jff

    Big Star

    In trying to come up with better groups than Big Star, I disqualified a lot of acts such as Bowie, Neil Young, etc. for that very reason. I also disqualified any band or artist that started in an earlier decade, even if the '70s was their most active decade (such as Zeppelin, Floyd). That left me with slim-pickins. So, as mentioned before, I'm sticking with Talking Heads.
  7. jff

    Big Star

    I'd name Talking Heads as one band that started in the '70s that is a better '70s band than Big Star.
  8. jff

    Big Star

    Yeah, that was the show I saw. You're right. The crowd was apathetic.
  9. Yeah, the guy survived a plane crash. That's a lot more badass than anything that's likely to be in any of OUR obituaries.
  10. So, remind me, who was the third? And while we're at it, since they die in threes, what two flashes-in-the-pan that I've never heard of are going to croak along with this flash-in-the-pan (if he even reached THAT level) DJ I've never heard of?
  11. jff

    Big Star

    That's the same as my friends told me after they saw them in Memphis, in 1995 (or thereabouts). I saw them with the Flaming Lips a couple years ago, and unfortunately all the songs were slowed down and they seemed tired. Even Ken and Jon seemed bored. Maybe it was just an off night, but Alex Chilton and his solo band did a better show when I saw him in the '90s. Hopefully I'll get another chance to see Big Star, preferably in a music venue and not in a park.
  12. jff

    Big Star

    Well, yeah, because they aren't. I like Big Star a lot, but for starters:
  13. All true, but it seems like someone, at some point, could find a new choice of words to explain that Wilco was formed after Uncle Tupelo broke up. It's not like people who write about bands don't read the previously published articles about said band.
  14. That'd be a good name for a Wilco tribute band.
  15. Apparently. What do I have to do to acquire the copyright to the phrase "from the ashes of"?
  16. I didn't stop, but that did annoy me. Has there ever been a Wilco article that didn't say exactly that?
  17. Ok, we're in Atlanta, so with the detour it'll probably be more like 17 minutes, assuming she doesn't encounter any other people handing out doggie treats between here and there.
  18. Totally...those chairs are way nicer than the the stuff you can buy from The Wolfman and Donna at Gallery Furniture out by the airport. "Ask for the wolfman".
  19. Thanks. We call her Tunes. I have no idea where you live, but if you're going to be handing out rib bones I'll let Tunes off leash and she'll be in your yard within 15 minutes.
  20. Nice work on the chairs! Noodle looks kinda similar to my Petunia, with the light, short fur and skin spots.
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