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Posts posted by benjamin

  1. So you were the guy with the metronome and the notebook!


    hahahaha :w00t


    Never, ever, under any circumstance go to a concert by yourself. You feel dumb. You look dumb. You have no one to turn to and say, "Can you believe that Nels just did that!" Everyone I know that likes Wilco (read: 2 people) were either busy or had to go with a client for work. I thought about skipping it altogether and realize now I probably should have. It was nice to bump into Donna and Brennan, and it would have been just fine if I'd had pit tickets, but it was rather depressing.


    Ben Kenobi - you posted a pic of your shirt the other day and it looked sort of beige. Was it actually more yellow and you got there plenty early? And the person with you was wearing a dark color, maybe black or burgundy? I think I could see you from across the theater, but I didn't want to walk all the way over and up there and have it not be you.


    Yeah... it was yellow and I was there totally early. Kind of paranoid about traffic driving up from Irvine. I was up about 13 rows on one of the terraces. Bummer you didn't come flag me down. You could have been our concert buddy. We had two empty seats next to us the whole night. I go to quite a few shows in LA, if you ever need a concert buddy, I'm up for it :rock


    I loved everything else but was disappointed at the lack of Monday, Misunderstood, Sunken Treasure, etc. Being There was woefully underrepresented IMHO. Everything else (especially the surprise addition of Too Far Apart) was very welcome.


    I had the same thought process on the lack of Being There. I loved the setlist, but I could have done without the song 'sky blue sky.' I'm not much of a fan of it. The only 2 I really wanted to hear that were not played were 'Misunderstood' and 'Thanks I Get'.




    ..... I'm starting to think that I need to change my name on here. Tastes have changed since I was a junior in high school. :hmm

  2. I was awakened by a phone call this morning that the caller said, "It's f'ing gameday. Get your head out of your ass"


    I love today. Enjoy gameday today every1!


    FSU vs. Clemson on the opening week. Sweet.


    GO BLUE! & Fire up chips!

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