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Posts posted by benjamin

  1. Edit: Apparently I can get a room if I book for two nights. WTF? I am now puzzled by the devious methods of the Hiltons in so many ways.


    I had that problem once. Try calling the city's Chamber of Commerce. It worked for me. :)

  2. ARGHHHGHGHGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Read it and weep if you must. But yes, according to a Teletext report, and despite rampant speculation, a Radiohead UK PR person has claimed that the band won't release its latest magnum opus until 2008. (A U.S. rep neither confirmed nor denied this).


    Really though, with August already halfway out the window, 2008 isn't such a long ways off, is it now? And, to tide you over for the wait, Verso Books is set to re-publish the Stanley Donwood/Dr. Tchock art book Dead Children Playing.


    Originally pressed in 2006 and sharing its name with a Donwood art exhibit, this full-color tome collects the era-defining visuals that have accompanied Radiohead's music from The Bends through Hail to the Thief. The eerie, paranoid creations of Donwood and Tchock (perhaps better known as Thom Yorke) fill this hardcover book's 80-odd pages-- everything from album covers to promo art to assorted sketches to that grim cartoon/comic that came hidden behind the CD tray in early copies of Kid A.


    This, the first Verso edition, will hit bookshelves October 17.


    In other Radiohead news, ask Jonny Greenwood why the hell he named his award-winning orchestral composition Popcorn Superhet Receiver when the piece makes its U.S. debut January 16 and 17, as part of the Wordless Music Series.

  3. Former big leaguer Offerman arrested for melee


    BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- Former major league All-Star Jose Offerman was arrested Tuesday night after charging the mound and hitting the pitcher and catcher with his bat during an independent minor league game.


    Bridgeport police said Offerman was arrested, but did not detail the charge. Police said he posted bond.


    Offerman hit Beech in the hands and struck catcher John Nathans in the head.


    The game was delayed for about 20 minutes because of the melee. Offerman, Beech and Bridgeport manager and former major league pitcher Tommy John were all ejected.


    There was no immediate update on the condition of Beech or Nathans.


    2nd degree Assault


  4. Plus Illmatic is so far above every other hip hop album that even if that was the only record released in those 4 years


    oooohhh.. that's a tough call for me over Notorious BIG's - Life After Death (1997) and Scarface - The Diary (1994)


    This is TOUGH... I've written 3 responses to far, and I've deleted each one. It should almost be done by sub genres. Social Awareness, Gangsta, East, West. Crap. I can't decide. I'll have to go to the #1 defining moment of hip hop..... "Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat. Which was what year? 1988. 1988-1992 wins!


    I'd probably say 88-92 would do it for me based on these albums:

    Public Enemy - Apocolypse 91... The Enemy Strikes Black (remember "By The Time I Get To Arizona" being banned on MTV?)

    Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique (set the standard for sampling)

    Dre - The Chronic (the end of old school in my eyes)

    LL Cool J - Momma Said Knock You Out

    NWA - Ni**az4life (hmmm for some reason I always associate this album with playing "Talking Joe Montana Football" on Sega)

    Geto Boyz - We Can't Be Stopped

    Too Short - Short Dogs In The House


    I loved those albums

  5. your guess is as good as mine.


    I didn't mind the open book left in the Sopranos, but this many open books and questions left unanswered is mentally frustrating. I really feel like I missed something. Do I need a decoder ring? Should I go back to school and get a doctorate in religious studies?

  6. There are a lot of people, I would say even a majority of the people in this country, would enjoy R. Kelly's new CD a lot more than the New Pornos cd


    America has already proven their musical incompetence by running American Idol for over 5 seasons. They should just call the show Pat Boone Idol. Lame ass covers. Sorry... don't know why i'm so bitter today...


    I'm saying that 30 years ago it wasn't nearly as shitty. Going back only 10 years misses the point completely.


    They seem so proud of their beginnings and history. There's proof in this because they release an anniversary edition every 6 months practically. Why don't they reflect their origins today? (rhetorical)

  7. True story: I was talking with a brand new friend before a Flaming Lips show and this is the conversation that transpired:


    Anna: Do you know what music documentary is great?

    Me: Yeah. Dig!

    Anna: ...... You just freaked me out. How did you know?




    I can't get enough of their album "Give It Back"

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