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Posts posted by benjamin

  1. a ridiculous WC story.



    hmmm... WC stands for White Castle and Worker's Comp. coincidence? Because the day after I have booze and white castle I feel like I can't work.


    On a side note for all you White Castle fans. I've been the guy in the drive thru at 2am who has held up the line because my drunk passengers wanted the Crave Case. Yes.... a briefcase filled with sliders. A freakin' Briefcase.




  2. :worship


    The El Rey is a pretty intimate general admission (standing room only) venue. So it was the ideal setting. Swell Season played for over 2 hours. They performed practically the whole soundtrack as well as a handful of new songs and it sounded great. Glen was very talkative with the audience and shared quite a few stories. Highlights are slowly coming back to me:


    *covers of Van Morrison "Into The Mystic" & a Pixies song that I know I've heard before. Something about "sitting on the concrete"? If any of you Pixie buffs know the song, a title would be much appreciated.

    *Glen tells a story about how his niece loves his songs, but she always gets sad listening to them. So he wrote her a song about how everyone loves bananas. Very catchy and upbeat.

    *Damien Rice apparently helped cowrite some songs, and during the encore he came onstage and performed a song by himself. No clue what the song was, but it was great. I'm definitely going to dig deeper into his song bank.

    *BEST FREAKIN' PART OF THE SHOW! --> during Glen's solo performance of "Say It To Me Now" his guitar setup shuts down. He tries for about 10 seconds to fix it but realizes it's a lost cause. So he says "if everyone just stays real quite I'll finish the song." Holy crap it gave me goose bumps. The place is dead silent and he just belts out the last 1:30 of the song. The crowd erupts in applause and cheering for quite an extended amount of time. Goose Bumps.


    I feel very fortunate to have seen this performance and will lodged in my mind for quite some time. His band 'the Frames' are coming to town in September and I'm contemplating catching that performance as well.

  3. 516zigC2-iL._AA240_.jpg

    Kind of feel I've been through a similar situation lately



    Fave disk to get through a tough time right now



    Music that gives you promise of a better tomorrow



    Hooray to viachicago for pointing me towards this album. Boo Greatest Hits! Hooray full albums!



    Just because

  4. I remember in Detroit White Castles were always paired with Church's chicken.


    I'm a fan of chicken rings. I had my friend from Detroit meet me in Vegas with a bag of chicken rangs 2 weeks ago. That's right... I changed the spelling to RANGS.

  5. Did you see them on leno last night? i had no clue they were on & my girlfriend woke up around the time they were playing & that woke me up. so we watched.


    I heard they were going to be on, but I became immersed in a book last night and forgot. Hopefully it will show up on youtube today

  6. They should really just change the name of Sportscenter to "Yankees and Red Sox highlights and drama hour."


    I'm so done about hearing about both of those teams. No offense to you fans on here, but they get the most air time than anyone in any sport and it's booorrrinnng. Enough about the Yankees already. 9 games out. They won't even make the wild card with the way the AL Central is competing. ENOUGH YANKEES COVERAGE!!!!


    /done ranting

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