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Posts posted by benjamin

  1. all we got was john's logo appearing as a corporate logo. fucking weak!!




    I watched the show with the anticipation of it all unraveling. Not so much. Still left me confused. I figure I should watch it again and try to put some of the pieces together, but I'd rather not.


    Why is the dad elevating? What do the 2 mobster guys have to do with anything? Where did the doctor go? What really happens when Meadow walks through the door?

  2. An open letter to Rolling Stone:


    Dear RS,


    I opened up my new rolling stone issue this weekend and flipped right to the review section. The 1st album you review is the new M.I.A. album. 4.5 stars? Are you f'ing kidding me? And in the 1st line they immediately compare it to a Kanye West album. Surprise! Hey RS, GET OFF OF KANYE'S JOCK!!! Side Note: Personally, I don't know why you rank Kanye's albums so high when half of the f'ing songs are skits! WTF?!? Skits that aren't even funny or socially relevant.


    Then in the same magazine you gave the New Pornographers - Challengers only 3 stars. How does the new Smashing Pumpkins album (waste of time) get 4 stars and this masterpiece gets 3? You know what else you gave 3 stars to? R-Kelly's new album. Yes. The New Pornographers' album is on the same level as R-Kelly's new album. Oh, and you gave the Once OST 2 stars? Get your head out of your ass. Seriously.


    Also, don't wait until someone who actually matters in music passes away before you put them on the cover of RS. Zac Efron. OMG,WTF,BBQ?!?!? Orlando Bloom? Heath Ledger? King Kong? Too bad it took James Brown and Hunter Thompson passing away to get them on your cover.


    Pondering renewing,




  3. I assume you went there for the air force. Were you able to choose any air force base town you wanted and thought Mountain Home sounded nice only to later find out there are no mountains and it definitely does not feel like home? There's quite a few military people that make that mistake..... :)



    Not so much my decision since I was 15 at the time, but my father's decision

  4. Sigh.... So the movie theater that said was starting the film today, was not. They said that it was a problem with the distributor and the film won't arrive till next week, but the internet says it is showing there today. AREN'T THEY AWARE THAT THE INTERNET NEVER LIES!!!!

  5. When I was younger I tried getting an autograph from Roberto Alomar after a Padres game. Went up to somebody, maybe Andy Ashby?... and asked him if he was Roberto Alomar. He said, no and I let out a frustrated, GOOOODDD! and walked off.


    All this from a boy from Idaho. I guess not too bad.


    :rotfl At least you didn't spit on anyone's face. and is that a prolonged "Good" or "God"? because "good" makes the story even funnier


    p.s. I lived in Mountain Home for a year.

  6. My old list included:

    Voxtrot - Kid Gloves

    Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You

    Wolfparade - Shine A Light

    Thermals - A Pillar Of Salt

    Bloc Party - Banquet


    For Cool Down/Stretching I like:

    Air "Both the band and the oxygen" - Mer Du Japon (my track of choice of them currently)

    Belle & Sebastian - Don't Leave The Light On Baby


    Can you tell me more about this "sleeping really really fast"? Sounds like something I ought to learn.


    oh you've never heard of EXXXTREME SLEEPING? It's pretty hardcore.

  7. I'm sure there's probably been a post about this before. I did search and came up dry though, but I was curious what people listen to when working out/exercising/running. I was really sick of my list yesterday, so I created a new playlist. Here's what I added today. Hopefully this lasts me a couple of months.


    My Morning Jacket - Gideon (good to warmup with)

    Ok Go - Here It Goes Again

    Magic Numbers - Runnin' Out

    TV on The Radio - Wolf Like Me

    Spoon - Jonathan Fisk

    Television - See No Evil

    New Pornographers - Mutiny, I Promise You

    Stellastar* - Jenny

    Ted Leo - Who Do You Love

    Flaming Lips - Race For The Prize

    Rapture - Whoo! Alright Yeah.. Uh Huh

    Rakes - The World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect

    LCD - Watch The Tapes

    Frank Black - Threshold Apprehension

    Datarock - Fa-Fa-Fa

    Brianjonestown Massacre - This Is Why You Love Me


    Now I primarily use these for running. Not so much weight lifting. Curious what everyone else likes to get that heart rate elevated?

  8. when Kate Moss was being photographed by the Spanish steps while I was there waiting on some friends


    My sister plays in a couple different bands in Detroit. Mostly underground shit. Kate Moss unexpectedly did a photo shoot in the middle of one my sis' shows in a basement.

  9. Not many here....

    1) Jim Breuer. I was comedy chair of program board in college. Picked him up from the airport and drove him back.

    2) Chris Webber. His brothers played at Central Michigan University when I was there. I got the opportunity to talk to C-web

    3) I was at a hole-in-the-wall bar in Newport a couple months ago and Mark McGrath was apparently standing behind me for an hour and I had no clue. More importantly, I did not care. I thought about what I would say to him if conversation arose. The only positive thing I could think of was, "damn, you were awesome at music jeopardy."

    4) Andy McDonald of the Anaheim Ducks. Met him in my office.

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