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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Well, until Izzy, Slash and Axel Rose get their act together and release a face melting album again, I think I'll stay right here and bitch about Nels.
  2. Not to steal Analogman's deal, but...
  3. I can't wait till he changes his username, then we can refer to him as Iremember~TheShua. The perfect hybrid.
  4. That's a tasty looking bird.
  5. Take your logic and reasoning elsewhere, we don't like your kind around here.
  6. I was dating a girl for a while who looked alot like Rachel Ray, except she couldn't cook a bowl of cold cereal and when she ate like Rachel, it sure showed, so I don't think she's all that bad.
  7. Well, when the double-super-secret Solace phone rings, please let the rest of your fellow Minnesotans in on the secret gig. Or just send me a PM.
  8. I see Ken and Max but no Brian Henneman, damn.
  9. But can you snatch the pebble from my hand? Does one not ingest nicotine?
  10. Coke Zero Orange Kool Aid Jambalaya (Caliber's Recipie) Camel Lights
  11. Well its obvious to me that the bees don't wan't to get wet in 13 years and are offing themselves in record numbers. For the record, I don't see a significant decrease in the effing wasp population.
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