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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. ~~~~~~bad tastebad taste~~~~~
  2. Right, where do you come up with this stuff? It's painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain that David Letterman has been corrupted by his success and this is just a manifestation of his self-centered nature. Get a life.
  3. The Wall Operation Mindcrime Kilroy Was Here
  4. OJ = Celebrity Phil Spector = Celebrity to music obsessed people, and that may be stretching it. Apples and oranges, this judge is looking for publicity.
  5. What purpose does it serve by having this case televised?
  6. I actually enjoy some Kiss music. Haters can bite me.
  7. KR: When did Mikey Tuttle play with Van Halen?
  8. Monsters of Rock 1987, slept through most of the Scorpions set, their plane was delayed and by the time they showed up I was ready for a snooze. Van Halen kicked ass though.
  9. This thread is lame and pathetic. Beatallica is the best thing going right now anyway.
  10. I know, it's the 'hip' or 'cool' thing to slag on Ringo and I fell into that whole scene. He's actually at least a '1'. I think my list was pretty acurate otherwise.
  11. Dude you are like a walking-talking-Pepsi drinking-crick kicking music encyclopedia.
  12. John +1 Paul + 1 George + 1 Ringo -1/2 The White Album + 1/2 Revolver + 1 Abbey Road + 1 Roof Top Concert + 1 Yoko -1 Pauls Bass playing on Don't Let Me Down? + 2 Johns fur coat on the Roof Top Concert + 1 George turning his amp back on after it's shut off by "the man" (Roof Top Concert) + 5 Ad infinitum
  13. Survivor Man >Man Vs. Wild > Lost
  14. I kinda like the new Nelly Furtado.
  15. Excelent bass playing on Don't Let Me Down ~theshua
  16. I'm pretty sure Melissa Gilbert will show up in this somewhere.
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