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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I've always said he and Thome look like they're juiced on HGH to me--and that they're less likely to come under scrutiny because they're nice guys or whatever.
  2. It was suggested that Sky Blue Sky was going to be like Being There, but with better musicians. I would have done cartwheels for that.
  3. I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are there people who don't think Pete Rose was a great player?
  4. The name of the dude is in the picture.
  5. Jason Giambi makes $23.4 million, batted .125 in the last Yanks playoff series, and receives only a fraction of the criticism that A-rod does. Why? It's because he's just simply not as good. Everyone knows it. People expect the best players to be excellent all the time. People focus on every minor, obscure, and contrived flaw in the most talented players. How many times did we hear the ridiculous claim that Peyton Manning couldn't win the big game (which big game? They get progressively bigger as the playoffs progress)? Or that Kobe is a ballhog and doesn't make his teammates better? Or th
  6. Didn't they claim to have lost money in a recent year?
  7. http://www.thebrushback.com/october_full.htm
  8. I'll say Bulls in five. I have no idea who'll win, but these six game series predictions are boring.
  9. Rod Stewart is my grandpa. Everyone is so mean about him here.
  10. They're last in the league in hitting. It's sad. They need Thome back. They also need Dye, Konerko, and Crede to really start hitting.
  11. Yes, yes I did. Also, I seeded the jalapenos by hand. I think you're supposed to do that with a spoon. That's probably the problem.
  12. Ok, so that soup is ridiculously tasty. Also, my fingers are aflame because the various spices and peppers seeped into my tiny papercuts during preparation and need to be sandblasted out.
  13. Well, I'm really speaking out of my ass here, but yes. That and they're only (presumably) cutting near the surface and (presumably) the icebergs/caps/etc. go very deep--or would normally. The reason a small ice cube melts faster is that its surface area to volume ratio is higher--meaning a higher percentage of it is exposed to the outside world. If you just take a few slivers out of the ice cube the surface area isn't going to change that much.
  14. I am fixing to make this tonight. Odds are that I will forget to add the cilantro at the end. Odds are, also, that I don't have a food processor and will have to make do with a blender that may or may not work. Odd are, also, that I'm not sure how to grind the cumin and coriander.
  15. My guess would be that ice cutters' affect on the surface area of the ice caps is negligible.
  16. I think you may be right, but I was waiting for an explanation before putting that out there.
  17. That dude is drinking with Ninjas and nepatriots as we speak. WHY DO YOU CALL HIM AFRICANANDOVER?
  18. Why do you keep calling him Africanandover? Has this been covered already? Good bit.
  19. I wouldn't expect the A's to hit for shit. They'll have to get by on their pitching.
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