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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. They're fourth in the AL in runs scored.
  2. Always something. Somtimes that thing is winning 3 championships. Gordon would be a premiere scorer were he not incapable of passing well out of a double team. Also, he can't play D. Of the Bulls three best players--Deng, Gordon, and Hinrich, Gordon is the one they're keen on dealing if possible.
  3. I couldn't disagree more. He is exactly the type of player they need--a superstar scorer. The problem with trying to build a team of all good, not great, players is that there gets to a point where you can't do much more. As far as I can tell, they have good players at all 5 starting positions presently. All just one or two notches down from All-Star caliber except for Thomas, who isn't there yet. So what do you do from that point? They could add a 20-10 type power forward, but they'd probably have to give up a big piece of their core to get that type of player, too. The other option is an eli
  4. He's only 29. That deal would give the Bulls a starting lineup of Bryant-Hinrich-Deng-Nocioni?-and Wallace. Which would be the team to beat in the East. I kinda doubt they're going to trade Thomas AND Sefolosha, though.
  5. I have also read that the bolded is flat-out wrong. I don't know what to think!
  6. Also, remember when car companies (Honda) made little bitty hatchbacks that could push 50 mpg with a regular old engine? I don't know if it's added weight of airbags and other such stuff or what.
  7. The model T got 25 mpg. So much for innovation.
  8. LOL@STERN I kinda doubt he's going to NY unless it's a three team deal.
  9. That seems fair. It doesn't add or subtract to his weight, though.
  10. I'm not really sure that there was a solid scoring center available.
  11. He is fat(ter than he used to be and for a position player). It's not too much of a problem 'cause he doesn't play the outfield anymore.
  12. Well, I think his post game will develop. He's only 21. He has developed a basic jump-hook and I think he'll develop another post move or two. He's more athletic than Wallace and Chandler (I think that's the trade you're talking about) ever were. Chandler and Wallace are similar players, but Wallace is a much better post defender than Chandler--it's hard to imagine Chandler do a good job defending Shaq. It's not saying much, but Thomas' second half showed that he already is a better offensive player than Wallace. Thomas had the highest +/- per 48 of anyone on the team.
  13. He is really good. I agree. Duh. However, he an and a marginal star (Odom) couldn't do all that much so I'm not sure what he would do with two even more marginal stars (Hinrich and Wallace). The rumored deals involve some combination (though not all) of Gordon/Deng/Tyrus Thomas/the number 9 pick. For some reason I think Thomas may end up as the best part of the Bulls' side of that. ::shrug::
  14. These New York mayors seem to absorb an inflated sense of their national cache.
  15. So it seems like Kobe is really pushing for a trade to the Bulls. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I guess it will depend largely on how much they have to gut the team.
  16. Hey numbnuts, he actually started producing about the time you said that. If you're really hard up for a 3B and not afraid of a guy who strikes out a lot he'd be worthwhile. He's the full time 3b--likely for the rest of the season.
  17. You both have similar styles in the sack, if I remember correctly.
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