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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I can't believe that no one gives a shit that Kate saw doubter on TV. She's never met the man. She didn't even know he lived in Atlanta. DOUBTER.
  2. The dude from Apples in Stereo was on Sound Opinions this evening. Apparently Mr. Mangum plays a little bit on their new album--which was reviewed quite highly.
  3. Kate just saw Doubter Greg at the White Sox/Braves game! Fuckin' eagle eyes, we had no idea he was there.
  4. I remember d/ling a copy of YHF that had their cover of Burned as the final track.
  5. We actually were not able to go, because I was just starting a new job.
  6. That was awesome when when hung out on Ction's roof drinking Fresca and he didn't know we were there.
  7. Summerteeth>Sky Blue Sky. C'mon, She's A Jar? Via Chicago? Really, now.
  8. John Danks will be the White Sox fifth starter to start the season. If anyone is really high on the kid for some reason, I'm sure he could be had for a song.
  9. There is a NYT article that starts with this joke and says it's not funny. I disagree. So there are these two muffins baking in an oven. One of them yells,
  10. Right. They look like full-blooded sisters. As in, they look like they share the same parents. Obviously that's not the case, but the color, itself, shouldn't be a big deal beyond the fact that the clinic screwed up.
  11. So Ozzie Guillen is apparently leaning towards Darin Erstad as the regular CFer. Oh boy. The White Sox board is split between those who love Erstad's, uh, grinderness, and those who'd rather have a young, defensively top-notch CFer. It seems like part of the point of spring training is to sort out these controversies. CFer #1 .296/.328/.352 6 RBI, 2 SB, 1 CS in 54 ABs CFer #2 .303/.385/.545 5 RBI, 2 SB, 0 CS in 33 ABs Which one would you take? They're both 1-1 with singles today (not included in stats).
  12. Right on both counts. I'm sure he's smart enough not to represent himself.
  13. I'm not sure he was ever admitted to the bar--he just has the degree.
  14. They're sold out. Now pay attention or go play somewhere else.
  15. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,72972-0.html
  16. No one suggested that anyone should get extra points towards the HOF for being a "good guy." It was only suggested that certain things compromise the game enough to warrant exclusion.
  17. Great live band. Haven't been able to get into the studio stuff. I also couldn't get through that blog/review. Horribly written.
  18. So you won after all? I knew you could try hard enough.
  19. Congrats to Big Perm on his Mega Millions win!
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