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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Didn't the school say they had an airhorn/siren system that they opted not to use after the first shooting? I mean, I don't think this is the first time anyone has thought about these things.
  2. Is it sort of like "everyone starts out as a girl, but if they prove to be awesome enough they become a boy"?
  3. I'm curious as to which mod migrates these food and drink-related threads to TTL. How random does it have to be to stay in Umm?
  4. Not sure if this is still the case, but I read that phone lines are jammed with traffic. There's a facebook group here where students are letting people know that they're ok: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2321223134 It's got 1000+ members. Anyone can join facebook these days.
  5. Yes, all of that is sarcastic. Prior and Wood are both seeing specialists today, Soriano is slumping, etc. Great Lou Pinella press conference right now, but he may be playing the Lou Pinella character.
  6. He kinda does that a lot, doesn't he? I was following the box score of that game and wondering what the hell kind of bullpen strategy the O's were using. Don't have any relievers that can go more than one inning? Bradford threw only 9 pitches!
  7. Contreras' ERA went down 50 runs last game. Show some 'spect.
  8. Right. Bobby Thigpen blew out his arm netting 57 saves. It's not necessarily the total innings--they also need sufficient recovery time. I mean, if a pitcher was going 2/3 of an inning every game I bet he wouldn't last too long.
  9. Who knew the White Sox outfielder struggling to produce 5.5 games into the season would be Jermaine Dye?
  10. Alison, you should have a variety of games to exchange your ticket for. Call the box office.
  11. I actually agree with O RLY that if you are an illegal immigrant with 2 DUIs or whatever, you should be deported. However, his shamelessness in using it to rabble-rouse and score points for his agenda is appauling. Like that site made reference to, after that terrible fire in New York he did the same thing--saying that the victims' immigration status wasn't disclosed so he assumed they were illegal. Therefore illegal immigration causes deadly fires, or something.
  12. http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/04/05/b...ams-at-geraldo/
  13. Yeah, MacDougal would probably be the backup closer. All those other guys I was talking about were for starting of long relief roles if Mark Buerhle goes on the DL (hit with a line drive to the pitching hand yesterday).
  14. You may see him in long relief if MB goes on the DL and Masset gets moved to the rotation. Or Haeger could move to the rotation. Great game for Masset today.
  15. Eh, I haven't heard anything like that. Everyone in the bullpen is on a short leash, pretty much. There are a lot of fireballers in the pen who would fit the traditional closer mold. His velocity is down, but it was the same way last year--he had to work his arm into shape to throw in the high 90's. I think I've heard he's added a pitch, but I haven't been able to watch a game yet. He's been entirely effective in his two appearances so far. Ozzie has shown that he is willing to switch closers, so anything is possible.
  16. Ozzie put Bobby Jenks in during the 8th innning in a tie game. It worked out. I thought that might make the anti-strict-closer-role folk amongst us pleased.
  17. No, just the best team in the league. Before play has started.
  18. The Tiggers seem like the best team right now.
  19. Because they got a publicly-funded stadium. Don't forget that. Small government, except for friends.
  20. Who says the stuff will be released then? Anyway, Salinger's new stuff sucks. I've read it. Naked.
  21. The off-season moves weren't all that inspiring, but who knows how things will work out.
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