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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Huh. I am downloading the pilot on a torrent now, supposedly.
  2. I keep thinking that this will be showing on Fridays.
  3. Does that mean you're paying out (not to me)?
  4. There's an obscure stat. Frank Thomas is the oldest player with a multi-HR playoff game.
  5. I'm sure some of the pages were somewhat receptive and others weren't. Like I said, it's not all that simple with a power disparity.
  6. The only similarity between Foley and Clinton is that they both seem to be taking advantage of a gross power disparity. Foley seems a bit more of the aggressor/predator to me, based on what I've read. Yes, Tony Perkins and other hacks are saying the only reason that the Republican leadership didn't disclose or aggressively pursue this earlier is that, because our society values diversity and tolerance, they would be labeled as gay-bashers. Wtf. What incredible spin.
  7. Kate's work doesn't have power today. Snow day!
  8. But are you so excited, that you can play the Eye of the Tiger in this alternative fashion? http://www.achewood.com/index.php?date=02272006
  9. Zito vs. Santana at noon. Tasty. Let's get reports around the league from fans of the teams that are out of it. Any idea what they're doing in the off season?
  10. GOP leaders name Foley replacement. Search begins for a suit that fits him. "My dad says I'll grow into it," Negron maintains.
  11. I think that you are being a little conservative.
  12. Or right now. Did you see that pass by Grossman? Gorgeous.
  13. Do you want a good team or a likeable team?
  14. Just get a big tank and clean it every week or two. Goldfish can live for years, but in those small bowls their insides grow too large while their outsides stay small. Then they die. So you need a big tank.
  15. Tigers have put in Kenny Rogers to pitch in extra innings. They really want that division.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061001/ap_on_...DltBHNlYwM3MTY- Is "I passed every test" really a valid defense? Interesting to see how this pans out.
  17. I was just upset that "9/11 scholars for truth" got dragged into it. Yuck.
  18. Every opossum has his or her own distinctive personality, so temperament and behaviors will vary from one opossum to the next. The optimal age to obtain an opossum is a baby of 5 to 8 weeks of age. Opossums will only make as good a pet as the amount of time you invest in them as babies, and it is critical that you devote extensive time to fondling and training as soon as the infant arrives in your home. Discipline methods include tone of voice, time outs, a spray of water from a bottle, a gentle tap with your finger on their nose or bottom, or noise from a hand vacuum. Never hit or shake becau
  19. "I call her bitey!" pics, plz I understand that opossums have incredibly high amounts of stress hormones. You would, too, if you had a prehistoric marsupial brain and the footspeed of a turtle.
  20. He only implied that she wanted to cut and run. He has been very careful, for most part, not to directly attack her, but to try to associate her with leaders in the Democratic party and celebrities who have donated to her campaign. She stated her policy on Iraq (for every Iraqi troop or policeman capable of functioning independently of the U.S. forces, a soldier should be sent home) and he responded "I don't think this district is a cut and run district". He also prefers not to attack her policies any way other than saying "I don't think this district is a _____ district."
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