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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Sean, this isn't the "how skilled are you at cuddling" scale.
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...terbrook/060926
  3. I never thought that Joseph Arthur sounded very good as his own backup singer.
  4. You know what else is totally working for me? That Simpsons site.
  5. It worked last night. It's probably just has bandwidth issues.
  6. "Well, the main thing was that I got this recurrin' voice mail, a breathy Latina's voice sayin', "We must meet, for I am your true love." Finally she left an address, some apartment way over in Brunina De Nada, this isolated farm community that is like fifty miles past nowhere. I get tp drivin' over there and in the middle of this huge, flat field, there'an intersection with a stoplight. The light's red, and in the car in front of me the driver is checkin' his teeth in the rearview mirror. For half an hour, an hour, then two, the llight doesn't change, and this dude is calmy examinin' his
  7. I think the whole thing is online at FoxNews.com under top videos.
  8. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=24500 You posted in the thread. You did comb it. With an oversized novelty comb. It basically has the same fucking title. Now make with the urine, I love golden showers.
  9. Ok, I saw that you posted in the other thread. I know you're kidding. Otherwise, I'm going to go ahead and ask you for a urine sample.
  10. I remembered that certain theme parks and tourist attractions use slanted floors and furniture to make it appear that both are on the level and that gravity, itself, is disrupted. Could you pass along to your adversary that I'll be an expert witness in exchange for $3K, travelling expenses to Knotts Berry Farm, and the loan of a digital camera?
  11. Someone who has a lot of student debt and is likely to have a lot more.
  12. Big chair on one side, small chair on the other? Sawed down legs? Unlevel coffee table? Would an appraisal or inspection cover this stuff? Wtf is Carlos when you need him?
  13. I believe it's nigh impossible to ditch student loans via bankruptcy. The government covers its ass on that one.
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